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Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Patch Details (33+PS5)
Release: 13.08.2020 (Version 1.04->1.05)
Quelle: gamepro.de | play3.de | gamezone.de | release=gamepro.de
- Neues Mini Spiel wird hinzugefügt: Sprung-Probe
- legendäres Outfit für alle Spieler für due Server-Probleme
- Die Gewichtung von "Riesen Patzer" wurde für mehr Varianz bei Final-Runden heruntergesetzt.
- Verbesserung der Benachrichtigungen bei Matchmaking- und Server-Fehlern.
- Physik einiger Elemente wie in "Zehenspitzen" bei zu hohen Framerates verbessert.
- Die Krone in "Berg-Spitze" funktioniert jetzt richtig und kann nicht mehr erklommen werden.
- In "Block Party" können Fall Guys nicht mehr auf die Mauer springen.
- Behoben, dass Gruppen beim Matchmaking durch zu vielen Serveranfragen Fehler bekommen.
- Sonderzeichen in Namen von Spieler*innen werden jetzt richtig angezeigt.
- Die Trophäe "Big Tease" kann jetzt in allen Regionen freigeschaltet werden.
- 259,6 MB groß
Release: 20.08.2020 (Hotfix)
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de
- Die Valve-Kostüme werden nun im Store auf der PS4 verfügbar sein
- Die maximale Anzahl für Berg-Spitze beträgt nun 15
- Der Timer für Team-Abschweifen und Riesen-Patzer beträgt nun 1:30 Minuten
- Team-Spiele werden nicht mehr hintereinander stattfinden
Release: 24.08.2020 (Version 1.06a)
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- [PS4 Only] Added Controller options, including invert X/Y axis and sensitivity settings
- [PS4 Only] Improved UI performance on non-Pro PS4 models
- Tweaked round selection algorithm to select a Team game only if the team sizes can be equal
- Party members are now sorted first in Spectator mode
- Slime Climb: players can no longer grab some of the moving obstacles
- Jump Showdown: changed geometry to prevent a gameplay exploit
- Jump Showdown: fixed camera auto-panning
- Improved in-game store purchase dialogue to avoid accidental selections
- Addressed the top 5 most frequent crashes
- Visual fixes to some of the outfits
- Add option to change the jump button binding for Japan
- Trophy/Achievement names and descriptions are now correctly displayed in all supported languages
- Removed move speed nherf from Yellow Team (Don't post this one)
- 1,131 GB groß
Release: 15.09.2020 (Version 1.07)
Quelle: play3.de | gamepro.de
- Es wurden verschiedene neue Hindernisse und auf Zufall beruhende Rotationen eingeführt.
Hierzu zählen beispielsweise Plattformen, die sich verkehrt herum drehen oder Schleim an bisher gefahrlosen Stellen.
Dadurch könnt ihr eure Lieblingslevel auf völlig neue Art und Weise erleben.
- Zudem wurde die Mindestanzahl der verbleibenden Spieler in einem Match herabgesetzt, um die Rundenvielvalt zu erhöhen.
- Die Stabilität der Server erhöhen und für visuelle Verbesserungen sorgen.
- Vor allem das Erstellen von PS4-Parties soll nun ohne Probleme ablaufen. Im Qualifikations-Bildschirm und beim Laden einer Runde soll es nun weniger Unterbrechungen geben.
- Generell werden durch das Update plötzlich auftretende Verbindungsabbrüche reduziert.
- 863,6 MB groß
Release: 08.10.2020 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: play3.de | play3.de | gamezone.de
- Season 2 ist gestartet mit dem Thema Drachen und Mittelalter
- Neue kostenlose Inhalte: viele neue Mini-Spiele
Neue Items im Shop passend zum neuen Thema
New Feature
- The Show Selector: Time-Limited Shows give players new ways to enjoy their favourite rounds types by selecting which Show they want to play!
- Nameplates: Mix and Match customisable Banners and Nameplates to compliment your Fall Guy’s attire!
- Random Outfit Generator: Press triangle on the customiser screen until you get a combination of items you like!
New Level
- Knight Fever: Our hardest gauntlet level yet.
- Wall Guys: Cooperate with other players to traverse castle walls.
- Egg Siege: A brand new Egg Scramble map with moving drawbridges!
- Hoopsie Legends: A Solo Hoopsie Round with moveable blocks.
Fixes and Improvement
- See your party members fall alongside you while waiting for matchmaking to complete.
- Fall Guys now have more responsive mantling up ledges.
- Visual updates to many levels
- Plethora of new customisation options – costumes, faceplates, colour palettes, emotes, and celebrations.
- Many bug fixes and optimisations.
- 3,112 GB groß
Release: 19.10.2020 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: wooco.de
- Sort party members first when cycling in spectator mode
- Fixed Crash on Arabic region settings
- Fixed sending to much data forparties with the Show selector
- Jump Showdown: Fixed speed issues
- Hex-a-Gone: Fixed floor colour reset
- Hex-a-Gone: VFX clarity improvements
- Hex-a-Gone: Adressed Performance issues
- Reduce number of disconnections from round to round
- Changed DLC Store image for Season 2
- 1,158 GB groß
Release: 11.11.2020 (Version 1.11)
Quelle: play3.de | twitter.com
- Show Selector now lets you queue for multiple shows at the same time
- Improved stability when playing in parties!
- New Language selection option in-game
- Lowered chance of Medieval Rounds, Perfect Match, and Tail Tag
Neue Inhalte werden kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Neues Lvel: Big Fans!
- Neue Variationen der Level
- Server Region Selector
Bug Fixes
- Falling through tiles on Hex-A-Gone
- Losing jump inputs, especially on Jump Showdown
- Grabbing the crown on Fall Mountain and hanging from it instead of winning
- Infallible achievement sometimes not unlocking
- Falling on flat surfaces
- 1,777 GB groß
Release: 07.12.2020 (Version 1.12)
- 1,019 GB groß
Release: 15.12.2020 (Version 1.13)
Quelle: play3.de | play3.de | release=play3.de
- Season 3 ist gestartet
- 6 neue Level werden hinzugefügt: „Pegwin Pursuit“, „Thin Ice“, „Snowy Scrap“, „Tundra Run“, „Freezy Peak“, „Skifall“
- Weiteren Neuerung sind die Kronenränge, zu denen es heißt: „Je mehr Kronen ihr euch schnappt, desto höher wird euer Kronenrang
- 30 und mehr Skins
- 2,492 GB groß
Release: 17.12.2020 (Version 1.14)
Quelle: twitter.com
- FPS improvements on Egg rounds
- No more aggressive ragdolling on Hex-A-Gone
- Hex-A-Gone is Hex-A-Back, my friends!
- Pegwin Pursuit will now appear in the S3 show
- 366,4 MB groß
Release: 26.01.2021 (Version 1.15)
Quelle: play3.de
- 1,146 GB groß
Release: 02.02.2021 (Version 1.16)
Quelle: play3.de | release= twitter.com, play3.de
- Ein brandneues Level
- 40+ Variationen der vorhandenen Levels
- Fall Feed
- Ein neues DLC-Paket
- Godzilla-, Sonic- und Goose Game-Kostüme finden den Weg in den Ingame-Store
- Neue Shows und Kostüme in den nächsten Wochen
- 2,184 GB groß
Release: 22.03.2021 (Version 1.18)
Quelle: play3.de | play3.de | play3.de | gamezone.de
- Season 4 ist gestartet
- Skyline Stumble: Dieses Minispiel wurde bereits vor zwei Wochen enthüllt. Hier könnt ihr dank niedriger Schwerkraft wesentlich höher springen, als es sonst der Fall ist.
- Power Trip: Schwingt euch auf die Tanzfläche, genießt futuristische Musik und kämpft um die Disco-Herrschaft.
- Hoverboard Heroes: Wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, steuert ihr hier ein Hoverboard, mit dem ihr das Ziel erreichen müsst.
- Roll On: Wild rotierende Trommeln machen es euch schwer, die Ziellinie zu überqueren.
- Basketfall: Ein Team-Match, in dem ihr mithilfe von niedriger Schwerkraft Körbe werfen müsst.
- Big Shots: Ihr steht auf einer Wippe und werdet mit all möglichen Objekten beschossen.
- Short Circuit: Weicht Runde für Runde zahlreichen Hindernissen aus, um die nächste Runde zu erreichen.
- 2,731 GB groß
Release: 06.04.2021 (Version 1.19)
Quelle: mp1st.com | reddit.com
- Fixed the Squads matchmaking issue where the number of players would rise, and then start to fall again
- Fixed players spawning in solo squads at the start of the Show
- Number of Squads qualified now coincides with the number in ‘TOP {0} QUALIFY’ UI text
- Fixed last remaining squad being incorrectly eliminated if all members concurrently fall into the slime during Jump Showdown
- Fixed incorrect number of teams qualifying after a team game on Squads
- Squad Shows now allow the same number of players players as the max show value displays into the Show
- Fame gained from Challenges will now be displayed in the the Show Summary
- Fixed season progression displaying incorrectly when earning a Fame reward from a Challenge
- Fixed fame not being awarded for challenge completion
- Improvements to the player being unable to mantle movable platforms with high ping/packet loss
- Improvements to character issues with mantling under latency
- Improvements to newly perceived lag by players in Season 4
- 244,7 MB groß
Release: 19.04.2021 (Version 1.20)
Quelle: wooco.de
- Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen.
- 192,1 MB groß
Release: 13.05.2021 (Version 1.23)
Quelle: play3.de
- wo new rounds: Slimescraper and Button Bashers
- 55 Additional Variations across 12 rounds
- Custom Lobbies are now open to EVERYONE with as few as 4 beans! PC and PS4 players can play together!
- PC and PS4 players can now matchmake together in all game modes! Cross-platform parties are not possible (yet!)
- Improved latency when grabbing objects or mantling
- In-game visual indicator of your connection quality!
- New player reporting feature if you spot potential cheaters! (Don't worry - We'll never ban anyone for grabbing or using in-game mechanics in a normal fashion)
Wall Guys
- Improvement to mantling while experiencing high ping
Door Dash
- Players can no longer yeet themselves out of the round to skip ahead
Power Trip
- Fixed batteries flying out of hands when players bump into each other
- Fixed Fall Guy being unable to climb a ramp whilst carrying a battery
Visual fixes
- Various visual fixes to costumes
- Fixed SFX on some winning animations
Fixes and Improvements
- Numerous improvements to de-sync, physics, and related issues (We'll keep improving these)
- Snow will now display on Season 3 rounds for PC Players! (Ready for Christmas 2022 lol)
- Fixed Fall Guys having too much power while carrying things
- Fixed incorrectly eliminating the winning squad in Royal Fumble
- Fixed eliminated squads incorrectly qualifying for the next round
- After tying a round, squads will not be randomly eliminated, but instead will all qualify into the next round
- Fixed the 'Top X Qualify' number mismatching the Qualified Squads in the qualification screen
- Fixed solo victory animation displaying when winning a Squads Show for some players
- Fixed the Featured Store only showing Coming Soon for players who witness the store refresh
- 2,981 GB groß
Release: 20.05.2021 (Version 1.24)
Quelle: wooco.de | updatecrazy.com
- Players should no longer be randomly eliminated whilst spectating in squads
- Infallible achievement will not unlock in custom lobbies
- Missing items from the regular shop have been fixed! Yes that includes Z Snap
- Squads show rounds have been rebalanced
- Frequency of low gravity finals reduced
- Final hammers version of Fall Mountain has been removed again
- Added gameplay enhancements.
- Addressed issues with different levels.
- The laster patch brings matchmaking improvements.
- Framerate drop related issues are now fixed.
- Performance and stability improvements.
- Other under the hood fixes.
- 247,3 MB groß
Release: 24.05.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: twitter.com
- DLC "TRON" wird eingebaut und kann für 22K Kudos erworben werden
Release: 01.06.2021 (Version 1.25)
Quelle: spieletipps.com | mp1st.com
- Fixed the annoying rewards error pop up!
- Optimised some textures on PlayStation to help with the blank screen issues and crashes while the team looks a long-term solutions
- 767,6 MB groß
Release: 15.06.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: mein-mmo.de
- Neues Kostüm: Nier Automata
Release: 20.07.2021 (Version 1.26)
Quelle: play3.de
- Season 5 ist gestartet
- Treetop Tumble: Der Weg zum Ziel führt über verzweigte Routen, gefüllt mit gefährlichen Stammschaukeln und sich aufblasenden Fröschen.
- Stompin‘ Ground: Auf der hektischen Flucht vor drei mechanischen Nashörnern gilt es schnell und wendig zu sein.
- Lost Templee: Eine ehrgeizige Runde mit einem neuen Finale erwartet die Bohnen: Der Weg durch den Tempel, zur Krone, verändert sich ständig.
- Lily Leapers: Gutes Rhythmusgefühl und eine sichere Landung sind wichtig, um eine Ebene nach der anderen zu erobern.
- Bubble Trouble: In Bubble Trouble müssen die mit Hindernissen gefüllten aktiven Bereiche überwunden werden, um eine Chance auf den Sieg zu haben.
- Pegwin Pool Party: Bei der Pegwin Pool Party gilt es die Pegwins zu schnappen und sie nicht mehr loszulassen,
während die Bohnen auf den flotten Rutschen unterwegs sind. Je länger sie festgehalten werden, desto mehr Punkte gibt es.
- 2,424 GB groß
Release: 10.08.2021 (Version 1.27)
Quelle: play3.de
- Doppel Kronen zum Geburtstag sind verfügbar
- Cross Over Event mit Ratchet & Clank
- 245,5 MB groß
Release: 31.08.2021 (Version 1.28)
Quelle: play3.de
- New Round! Introduing 'Sum Fruit' - a new logic Round!
- Round variations: We've added variations to lots of existing rounds, including plenty into our Season 1 Rounds
- 2,220 GB groß
Release: 05.10.2021 (Version 1.30)
Quelle: attackofthefanboy.com | twitter.com
- Updated User Interface!
New content
4 additional Rounds will be coming to Xtreme Fall Guys later in the season:
- Skyline Stumble
- Treetop Tumble
- Lily Leapers
- Roll On
- Improvements to ball weights on rounds such as Fall Ball, Snowy Scrap, and Rock’n’Roll
- Roll On intro camera fixed
- ‘Monkey’ outfit no longer appears pinkish in team rounds
- Team colours are no longer different during the Victory screen than the ones displayed during a team round
- Custom Lobbies: Roll Call Show no longer skips to the final round when launched at max capacity in a Custom Lobby
- Fixed an issue where players could fall out of bounds on Lilly Leapers when being launched by the hammers
- Fixed an issue where Fall Guys could become stuck between the platforms and fans on Treetop Tumble
- 2,132 GB groß
Release: 20.10.2021 (Version 1.31)
Quelle: attackofthefanboy.com | updatecrazy.com
- Better physics & collisions (less bean tornados!)
- Fixed punchers spawning twice on Freezy Peak
- Main menu improvements + scaled up Fall Guy
- Removed empty timer on Season Progress bar
- Fixed slow conveyor on Fruit Chute
- 699,1 MB groß
Release: 30.11.2021 (Version 1.33)
Quelle: play3.de | release=play3.de
- Season 6 ist gestartet
5 neue Runden
25 neue Kostüme
50 Prestigepfad-Stufen mit Belohnungen
Neue Runden in Saison 6:
- Party Promenade: Hier navigieren die Bohnen durch Vakuumröhren, weichen Wasserballonkanonen aus und schwingen sich an den Trapezstangen zum Sieg.
- Full Tilt: In dieser Runde erwarten euch 360-Grad-Wippen, Kraftfelder und sich schnell drehende Stangen.
- Pipe Dream: Jede Vakuumröhre kann zu einer Stolperfalle werden, darunter Flipper und Ventilatoren, schwenkbare Plattformen und einige andere Hindernisse.
- Airtime: Schwingen auf Trapezen sowie Förderbänder und rotierenden Plattformen erwarten euch hier.
- Leading Light: Hier stolpert ihr über Turntables und Fans und müsst euch mit Kraftfeldern auseinandersetzen.
- 4,203 GB groß
Release: 09.12.2021 (Version 1.35)
Quelle: twitter.com
- Fixes for squads, including Jump Showdown being removed due to elimination issues.
- Better balancing of squads shows, no longer sending 1 team alone to a final
- Full Tilt removed very temporarily until a fix comes in for the exploit
- 1,060 GB groß
Release: 13.01.2022 (Version 1.36)
Quelle: updatecrazy.com
- Added various stability issues.
- Added multiplayer fixes.
- Added performance improvements.
- Other minor bug fixes.
- 615,0 MB groß
Release: 22.02.2022 (Version 1.38)
Quelle: twitter.com | updatecrazy.com | play3.de
- Cross Play wird aktiviert (PC, PS4 und PS5)
- [Customs] Addressed instances where a lobby would fail to load on second playthrough, forcing players to make new lobbies
- [Jump Showdown] Fixed players being able to stand on the central pillar and evade the spinning bars
- [Squads] Fixed an issue on race Rounds where the Round would end early after a timer is displayed
- [Squads] Fixed Jump Showdown time-outs on Squads eliminating victorious players
- [Eliminations] Addressed instances where players would be wrongfully eliminated on elimination levels, such as being eliminated Jump Showdown in spite of not colliding with the bar
- [Fall Mountain] Big Yeetus buff
- [Short Circuit] Addressed instances where players would not qualify upon crossing the second lap
- [Sum Fruit] Fixed players getting stuck between the ramp and the tiles
- [Stompin Ground] Fixed the Rhinos charging at players unexpectedly with no visual indication beforehand
- [Jump Showdown] Improvements to other players visually teleporting when jumping over the bar
- [Emote] Adjusted the Piano emote so that it does not cut off abruptly in-game
- [Fall Mountain] Fixed players ragdolling when interacting with a stationary turnstile
- [Lost Temple] Players will no longer be slowed down or halted by walking over the bottom ledges of open doors
- [Full Tilt] Addressed See-Saws tilting more than others on the level
- [Roll On] Addressed players falling through the platform floors into the slime
- [FPS] General improvements to FPS which should decrease instances of framerate drops
- [Obstacles] Fixed rotating bar not matching direction of arrows on levels such as Big Fans
- [Slimescraper] Fixed bases of Punchers appearing low-quality
- [Crown] Winners will now be correctly awarded in the event of a tie during the Crown Grab on levels such as Fall Mountain and Lost Temple
- [Costumes] Fixed visual issues on costumes including but not limited to Deep Diver, Fish Tank, Barbarian, Burly Barbarian, Jester, Fool, Lady Margot, Aloy, Snow Queen, Ice Maiden, and team colour issues on costumes such as Ghost, Jin, and Aloy
- [Achievements] Fixed issues with unlocking Stumble Chums and Big Bully
- [Gameplay] Improvements to carrying objects – when a grab is broken, characters will not ‘ping’ out of place
- 3,284 GB groß
Release: 04.03.2022 (Version 1.39)
Quelle: twitter.com
- [PlayStation] IMPROVEMENTS to instances of crashing on PS. We are still actively monitoring this. Players should see considerably reduced instances of crashing on console
- [Gameplay] Players will no longer float upwards into the sky at the start of a round
- [Gameplay] Players will no longer stutter on moving conveyor belts
- [Gameplay] Conveyor belts will no longer launch players forward continuously after a round ends on levels such as Lost Temple.
- [Gameplay] Players will be correctly eliminated after falling into the slime on levels such as Jump Showdown and Hex-a-gone
- 619,2 MB groß
Release: 31.03.2022 (Version 1.40)
- 595,8 MB groß
Release: 04.04.2022 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: play3.de | fallguys.com
- Alte Version von Fall Guys ist nicht mehr im PlayStation Store verfügbar
Release: 05.04.2022 (Version 1.41)
Quelle: play3.de | fallguys.com | release=play3.de
- Ab heute ist die neue Version von Fall Guys im PlayStation Store verfügbar
- Speicherverbrauch von der alten Version: 11,28 GB
- Speicherverbrauch von der neuen Version: 11,86 GB
- 410,6 MB groß
Release: 09.05.2022 (NEW Version 1.06)
Quelle: play3.de | fallguys.com
- Alte Version von Fall Guys kann nicht mehr gestartet werden
- 426,6 MB groß
Release: 21.06.2022 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | fallguys.com | datum=xboxwire.com, xboxdynasty.de, play3.de, gamepro.de | bugs=twitter.com, gamepro.de
- Season 6 ist gestartet
- Xbox Series X|S Support: 4K|1440p mit 60 FPS
- PlayStation 5 Support: 4K mit 60 FPS
- Spiel wird free2play für alle Systeme
- Cross Play wird aktiviert (nun auch Xbox One, Switch)
- Cross Progression für alle Plattformen (per Epic Games Konto)
- Neue Season Pass / Battle Pass wird eingebaut mit 100 Belohnungen
- Legacy Pack für alle Käufer des Spiels
- Major optimisations to various areas of memory usage, reducing instances of crashes on PlayStation
- Improvements to PlayStation FPS on object-heavy levels such as Fruit Chute, Slime Climb, Lost Temple and more
- Improvements to tails being grabbed from a distance by players experiencing high latency
- Fixed an exploit on tile levels such as Thin Ice, where players could spam jump and avoid breaking tiles (Thin Ice is back!)
- Fixed a Tail Tag exploit where players could stand on a podium and evade capture
- Fixed instances in Royal Fumble where the tail would disappear if the player with it disconnected
- Fixed pipes at the end of Pipe Dream overshooting players over the
- Fixed the Options menu randomly appearing during gameplay on PS4
- Fixed “Multiple Shows Selected” showing when queuing for a single show in a party
- Fixed hoops spawning too high to reach on levels such as Hoopsie Daisy
- Fixed players queueing together being placed into separate squads
- Fixed instances of players respawning in Xtreme mode
- Fixed Clank appearing yellow instead of Red or Blue in Team Tail Tag
- Fixed Thin Ice music in Finals Marathon
- 4,276 GB groß
Release: 27.06.2022 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: twitter.com
- Teams will no longer spawn in the same place on Team Rounds
- Fixed visual issue with Spawn FX on Nintendo Switch
- Fixed visual issue with Lilypad effects on Nintendo Switch Fixed buttons not working on Leading Light
- Fixed some static intro cameras
- Fixed issue with Airtime and Sweet Thieves intro cams not following the intended path
- Fixed some invisible tiles loading in on Hex-a-Gone
- Fixed bug which caused Party members to stay in queue, despite a new player joining the party
- Fixed issue which caused a freeze when changing controller during bindings
- Fixed visual issue when grabbing on a turntable
- Fixed grabbed Beans not following the movement of mobile platforms
- Fixed padlock not being removed from Season Pass once bought
- Fixed some graphical corruptions on respawn VFX
- Fixed issue with controller inputs not consistently being recorded after the bind button pop-up appears
- Fixed issue causing other player's Beans animations to become stuck during gameplay
- Fixed bug which prevented players from hearing party members in Voice Chat
- The Daily Store is currently disabled again whilst we look into a few things with it, and again it should be back ASAP!
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 2,021 GB groß
Release: 06.07.2022 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | notes=twitter.com
- Neue Show (Event) "Abstergos Challenge" ist gestartet und ist vom 07.07.2022 bis zum 11.07.2022 verfügbar
- Fixed instances where a player would be unable to break tiles on Hex-A-Gone and would appear to be floating
- Fixed the Score UI not updating in Point-Based Squads Rounds
- Fixed some crashes after leaving an Episode during the Intro Camera
- Fixed misalignment on 'Grab Candy' and 'Walk' button prompts in Invisibeans
- Fixed issue where some newly active Challenge Lists do not automatically appear for in-game Players
- Fixed some instances of unresponsive inputs after a player is eliminated
- Fixed buttons having no collisions in Leading Light
- Fixed players becoming resistant to fans whilst grabbing or being grabbed
- Fixed FPS drops at the end of the Reward Screen on Nintendo Switch
- Fixed unresponsive Social Overlays on PS4 and Nintendo Switch
- Improved vibration/rumbles on Nintendo Switch controllers
- Fixed some instances of crashes on Nintendo Switch after loading into the main menu
- Fixed respawn VFX not triggering
- Fixed instances where the camera sensitivity would be too high for players
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 1,616 GB groß
Release: 14.07.2022 (Version 1.11)
- Neue Show (Event) "Idol Games" ist gestartet und ist vom 14.07.2022 bis zum 18.07.2022 verfügbar
- Improvements to an exploit on Volleyfall where players could bounce the ball on their own side of the court indefinitely
- Players can no longer get on another team's track in Rock and Roll
- Fixed an issue where players are shown messaging that their "rewards will be forfeitted" on Squads when trying to exit the game after elimination
- Swirly Sleeves pattern is back in inventories
- Players will no longer clip through the floor by the Jump Ropes in The Swiveller
- Improvements to camera controls on Volleyfall
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 3,593 GB groß
Release: 23.08.2022 (Version 1.12)
Quelle: twitter.com
- Squads will no longer be forced to play a Round alone if all other squads are eliminated before a Final Round
- Fixed some instances of Blast Balls exploding prematurely
- Removed an invisible wall from Track Attack that prevented some players from launching farther after using a Speed Boost
- Updated the Social Panel to correctly show when a player has already been invited to a party
- Im Spiel Updatesystem
- 736,7 MB groß
Release: in Arbeit 2023 (Version 1.30)
Quelle: play3.de | gamepro.de
- Level Editor wird eingebaut