0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ
Evolve Patch Details (7)
Release: 07.02.2015
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxfront.de
- Verbessert die Performance
- Optimiert das Matchmaking
- Die Ladezeiten werden verkürzt
- Es werden Bugs gefixt
- An der Balance wird ebenfalls geschraubt
- Es wird eine Konnektivität zu Evolve Hunters Quest für iOS, Android und Windows Phone hergestellt.
- Außerdem werden die Elite-Skins für Monster und Jäger überarbeitet
- 3 GB groß
Release: 27.02.2015 (Version 1.1)
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxfront.de
- Löst Probleme mit Schatten- und Blitzeffekten
- Verbessertes Matchmaking-System, Einladungen und Wiedereinstieg
- Einige Verbesserungen im Balancing
- Löst ein Problem bei der mehr als eine Klasse gespawnt wurde und somit ein 5-Mann-Team entstand
Release: 31.03.2015 (Version 2.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gameswelt.de | xboxfront.de | gamezone.de | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Improved voice chat audio quality
- Fixed issue where players could sometimes end up in the wrong game mode
- Fixed issue where the server would not allow players to join in progress
- Various progression balance changes: Same changes as Xbox One and PC in 1.1
- Observer Tool
- Audio Improvements to Dropship Conversations...there should be more of them playing now
- Further Improvements to saving progression
All Monsters
- Minor maintenance and improvements
- All monsters can see recent damage on their health bar to help make burst damage visible
- Fixing some flight edge cases that were causing inconsistencies making him too powerful or too weak depending on the situation
- Vortex: Cooldown increased by one second
- Vortex: Reduced knockback magnitude
Tranq Darts, Stasis Grenades and Harpoons
- Pull Kraken down at a consistent rate regardless of whether he is in combat or out of combat. (they used to stack outside of combat)
- Kraken’s flight speed is no longer slowed by Tranqs since they pull him to the ground where running speed is affected
- Aftershock: Fixed a bug that was causing Aftershock to not break harpoon traps or Arc Mines
- Making her movement speed less bursty which makes her easier to keep track of.
Making Supernova less lethal while still allowing it to be just as powerful.
Making Warp Blast a damage dealer instead of a traversal mechanic
- Warp: Speed reduced 25%
- Supernova: Duration decreased by 50%
- Decoy: Wraith becomes visible for half a second when shot while cloaked
- Decoy: Increased cooldown time by 2 seconds
- Warp Blast: Speed reduced by 40%
- Warp Blast: Range no longer levels up
- Warp Blast: Radius levels up now
- Warp Blast: Max travel distance set to 30 meters for all levels
- Warp Blast: Damage increased by 10%
Release: 01.05.2015
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Hyde (Giftgasgranate): Verlangsamung der Jäger aufgehoben (und die Menge tobt!!!!!)
- Parnell (Multi-Raketenwerfer): Um 200 % erhöhte Zielgenauigkeit auf weite Entfernungen!
- Torvald (Schrapnellgranaten): Erhöhter Radius des Näherungssensors hilft gegen fliegende Ziele.
- Val (Heilungsstoß): Selbstheilung um 50 % erhöht.
- Slim (Sporenwolkenwerfer): Radius um 20 % gesenkt (dies hat jedoch keinen Einfluss auf den visuellen Effekt).
- Sunny (Mikroatombombe): Erhöhter Radius des Näherungssensors hilft gegen fliegende Ziele.
- Sunny (Schilddrohne): Trefferpunkte der Drohne um 40 % gesenkt (leichter zu zerstören).
- Sunny (Jetpack-Verstärker): 50 % weniger Schub bei Ausweichmanövern.
- Nahkampfausdauer: Die automatische Aufladezeit der Nahkampfausdauer von Goliath,
Krake und Geist wurde jetzt auf 3 Sekunden festgelegt (zuvor kürzer, aber je nach Monster unterschiedlich).
- Panzerungsregeneration: Beginnt sechs Sekunden nach Erleiden des Schadens (vorher 10 Sekunden).
Der Vorteil “Panzerungsregeneration” wirkt somit schneller.
- Krake (Blitzschlag): Bewegt sich jetzt mit konstanter Geschwindigkeit
(bewegte sich vorher zunächst schneller, um dann abzubremsen).
- Schadensbonus (M & J): Auf 5 %, 7,5 % und 10 % gesenkt (vorher 7,5/10/15).
- Panzerungsregeneration (M): Auf 50 %, 75 % und 100 % erhöht (vorher 25/38/50).
- Abklingzeit-Verringerung (M): Auf 10 %, 15 % und 20 % gesenkt (vorher 15/23/30).
- Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit (M & J): Auf 15 %, 20 % und 25 % erhöht (vorher 10/15/20).
- Ausdauerbonus (M): Auf 20 %, 30 %, 40 % gesenkt (vorher 25/35/50).
- Klettergeschwindigkeit (M): Auf 50 % erhöht (vorher 30).
- Nachladegeschwindigkeit (J): Auf 15 %, 20 % und 25 % gesenkt (vorher 15/25/30).
- Sprunghöhe (J): Auf 300 % erhöht (vorher 200).
- Armadon-Bulle: Schadensreduzierung bei Jägern und Monstern jetzt 25 % (vorher 35 %).
- Kreuzschnabel-Faultier: Schadensbonus bei Jägern und Monstern jetzt 25 % (vorher 35 %).
- Mammutvogel: Abklingzeit von Monster-Fähigkeiten jetzt 35 % (vorher 50 %).
- Riesenmaul: Schadensbonus bei Überraschungsangriff jetzt 50 % (vorher 100 %).
- Riesenmaul: Spezielle Reduzierung der Abklingzeit durch Jäger-Klasse jetzt 35 % (vorher 50 %).
- Nomade: Jetpack-Aufladungsbonus für Jäger jetzt 150 % (vorher 200 %).
- Nomade: Traversal-Ausdauerbonus für Monster jetzt 50 % (vorher 100 %).
- Tyrann: Monsterdauer auf 2 Minuten gesenkt (vorher 5 Minuten).
- Tyrann: Jägerdauer auf 3 Minuten gesenkt (vorher 5 Minuten).
- Tyrann: Gesundheitsregenerationsrate für Jäger um 20 % gesenkt.
- Armadon-Bulle: Gesundheit um 33 % erhöht.
- Blitzleopard: Gesundheit um 25 % erhöht.
- Blitzleopard: Geschwindigkeit um 38 % erhöht.
- Schluchtläufer: Geschwindigkeit um 38 % erhöht.
- Cephaladon: Gesundheit um 40 % erhöht.
- Kreuzschnabel-Faultier: Gesundheit um 34 % erhöht.
- Mammutvogel: Gesundheit um 70 % erhöht.
- Mammutvogel: Geschwindigkeit um 30 % erhöht.
- Sumpfläufer: Geschwindigkeit um 38 % erhöht.
- Riesenmaul: Gesundheit um 34 % erhöht.
- Nomade: Gesundheit um 34 % erhöht.
- Obsidianraupe: Gesundheit um 100 % erhöht.
- Reißer: Gesundheit um 150 % erhöht.
- Reißer: Geschwindigkeit um 23 % erhöht.
- Vapodon: Gesundheit um 150 % erhöht.
- Vapodon: Geschwindigkeit um 15 % erhöht.
- Tyrann: Gesundheit um 37 % erhöht.
- Gifthund: Gesundheit um 190 % erhöht.
- Gifthund: Geschwindigkeit um 15 % erhöht.
Anpassungen bei Auszeichnungen
Geänderte Voraussetzungen für eine gleichmäßige Verteilung von EP zwischen den Charakteren
- Hyde hat höhere Voraussetzung für RPS-Bestie: 420 auf 520 Schaden
- Hyde hat höhere Voraussetzung für Ungesund: 425 auf 525 Schaden
- Griffin hat geringere Voraussetzung für Nächste Nähe: 670 auf 630 Schaden
- Val hat geringere Voraussetzung für Schnelle Lösung: 2.500 auf 2.000 Gesundheit
- Torvald hat höhere Voraussetzung für Ausgelöscht: 1.100 auf 1.800 Schaden
- Torvald hat höhere Voraussetzung für Tausend Schnitte: 4 auf 5 Treffer
- Crow hat höhere Voraussetzung für Stop-Motion: von 10 Sekunden auf 12 Sekunden
- Sunny hat höhere Voraussetzung für Große Hilfe: von 6 Sekunden auf 24 Sekunden
Anpassungen bei Meisterschaften
-Geringere Voraussetzungen für die folgenden Meisterschaften-
- Schnappzunge (Könner): Schnapp dir 10 Kreaturen mit Schnappzunge.Vorher 30 Kreaturen
- Schrapnellgranate (Könner): Verursache 160 Bonusschaden (durch Schwachstellen).Vorher 1.000 Bonusschaden
- Steinwall (Könner): Verursache innerhalb des Steinwalls 5.500 Schaden. Vorher 8.000 Schaden
- Riss (Könner): Verursache 13.000 Schaden. Vorher 22.000 Schaden
- Jetpack-Verstärker (Könner): Verstärke Jetpacks für 60 Sekunden. Vorher 120 Sekunden
- Egelgewehr (Könner): Verursache 20.000 Schaden. Vorher 30.000 Schaden
- Sporenwolkenwerfer (Experte): Halte das Monster 20 Mal für 5 Sekunden in einer Sporenwolke. Vorher 20 Sekunden
- Schilddrohne (Experte): Schirme insgesamt 19.000 Schaden ab. Vorher 35.000 Schaden
- Jetpack-Verstärker (Experte): Verstärke Jetpacks im Kampf für 50 Sekunden. Vorher 120 Sekunden
- Schnappzunge (Experte): Schnapp dir 25 Mal einen Jäger. Vorher 50 Mal
- Lavabombe (Experte): Füge 20 Mal mehreren Kreaturen Schaden zu. Vorher 50 Mal
- Heilungsdrohne (Experte): Belebe 10 Teamkameraden mit einer Heilungsdrohne wieder. Vorher 50 Teamkameraden
- Schilddrohne (Elite): Schirme 20 Mal 2.000 Schaden in einer Runde ab. Vorher 3.000 Schaden
- Heilungsdrohne (Elite): Heile 20 Teamkameraden aus 80 Metern Entfernung.Vorher 100 Meter
- Schnappzunge (Elite): Schnapp dir 30 Mal Jäger in der Luft. Vorher 175 Mal
- Riss (Elite): Füge 30 Mal mehreren Jägern gleichzeitig Schaden zu. Vorher 100 Mal
- Sporenwolkenwerfer (Elite): Belebe 10 Teamkameraden in einer Sporenwolke wieder. Vorher 50 Teamkameraden
-Höhere Voraussetzungen für die folgenden Meisterschaften-
- Steinwall (Experte): Setze eine Kreatur 60 Mal zwischen dir und dem Wall fest. Vorher 30 Mal
- Egelgewehr (Experte): Erzeuge 100 Heilungsstöße (wenn 50 % oder mehr der
Abklingladung des Heilungsstoßes mit dem Egelgewehr erzeugt wurden). Vorher 50 Stöße
- Stasis-Gewehr (Elite): Ermögliche dem Team, 110.000 Schaden zu verursachen,
während das Monster verlangsamt ist. Vorher 15.000 Schaden
- Lavabombe (Elite): Füge 100 Mal mehreren Jägern Schaden zu. Vorher 50 Mal
Release: 26.05.2015
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Neuer Arena Modus wurde hinzugefügt
5 Gebiete mit 14 Maps mit ingesamte 70 Kampfgebiete
Monsters: Kraken
- Kraken will now descend when hit with a tranq, dart, or harpoon even when using abilities
Monsters: Behemoth
- Fixed a crash when using Tongue Grab
- Fixed a server crash when using Fissure
Hunter: General
- Knockbacks and Tumbles
- Added a cap to knockback velocity
- Added a hard cap to how long you can be “locked down” and set it at .75 seconds.
After this time is up the player will regain the ability to jetpack, use abilities and shoot though they still may affected
by any momentum caused by the initial knockback or tumble. (Hint: Jetpack Dodging will correct the momentum velocity)
The player will regain full control when the knockback velocity matches or is less than the base speed of the Hunter
- Changed the way in which momentum and velocity is applied to the Hunters when a knockback or tumble is applied.
It should be far harder for the Monster to “juggle” the player as the direction is now not the same direction that the attack
came from but is now calculated by the direction of the attack and the direction the Hunter is moving.
- Hunt Mode: Sudden Death forgiveness timer reduced to ten seconds (was fifteen)
Hunters: General
- Fixed the Quick Reload Perk and Elite Wildlife Buff to reduce the time to reload rather than increase it :(
- Jetpack fuel is no longer used when airborne and moving a direction but not thrusting (previously used 1.5% per second.) This fixes Hunters burning jetpack fuel while in a knockdown state.
- Jetpack fuel recharges at 7% per second (was 7.5% per second.) Essentially takes ~1 second longer to fully recharge from empty to compensate so that Hunters cover the same amount of distance in the same amount of time.
Hunter: Markov
- Arc Mines damage increase to 550 from 500
Hunter: Torvald
- Mortar Cannon reload time increased from 4.5 seconds to 6 seconds
Hunter: Val
- Heal Burst recharge time reduced to 20 seconds from 22
- Tranquilizer duration reduced to 8 seconds to 10 seconds
Hunter: Slim
- Leech Gun accuracy is now dynamic. Works at long range if you slow your fire rate.
- Heal Burst effectiveness on incapped players increased to 302 health from 275
- Heal Burst effectiveness on alive players increased to 220 health from 200
- Heal Burst effectiveness on himself increased to 192 health from 175
Hunter: Sunny
- Mininuke: Increased proximity detonation radius to help vs airborne targets
- Shield Drone: Hit points of the drone decreased by 40% (easier to destroy)
- Jetpack Booster: Provides 50% less thrust boost on jetpack dodges
- Melee Stamina: Goliath, Kraken and Wraith melee stamina auto fill time now set to 3 seconds (was quicker before but varied per monster)
- Armor Regeneration: Starts six seconds after damage taken (was 10). This helps make the armor regeneration perk more responsive.
Monster: Kraken
- Reduced health at Stage 2 and 3
Stage 2 Health now 11500 was 12000 & Stage 3 Health now 16000 was 17000
- Lightning Strike: • Moves at a constant speed (used to move faster on the far plane initially, then slow down)
Monster: Behemoth
- Reduced the movement speed reduction when Harpooned while in a roll to 25%. Was 50%.
- Stamina use during the roll has been reduced to 6% per second from 6.5% per second
- Initial Stamina use when activating the roll has been reduced to 10% from 15%
Monster: Wraith
- Reduced Warp Blast’s Radius
• Level 1 is now 6 meters from 6.5
• Level 2 is 7.8 meters from 8.5
• Level 3 is 10 meters from 11
Elite Wildlife
- Armadon Bull: Health increased 33%
- Blitzleopard: Health increased 25%
- Blitzleopard: Speed increased 38%
- Canyon Strider: Speed increased 38%
- Cephaladon: Health increased 40%
- Crowbill Sloth: Health increased 34%
- Mammoth Bird: Health increased 70%
- Mammoth Bird: Speed increased 30%
- Marsh Strider: Speed increased 38%
- Megamouth: Health increased 34%
- Nomad: Health increased 34%
- Obsidian Grub: Health increased by 100%
- Reaver: Health increased by 150%
- Reaver: Speed increased by 23%
- Steamadon: Health increased by 150%
- Steamadon: Speed increased by 15%
- Tyrant: Health increased by 37%
- Venomhound: Health increased by 190%
- Venomhound: Speed increased by 15%
Elite Wildlife Buffs
- Blitzleopard: Monster Climb Speed increased to 75% from 50%
- Armadon Bull: Hunter and Monster damage reduction now 25% (was 35%)
- Crowbill Sloth: Hunter and Monster damage bonus now 25% (was 35%)
- Mammoth Bird: Monster Ability cooldown now 35% (was 50%)
- Mammoth Bird: Hunter Reload/Recharge bonus now includes electronic devices.
- Megamouth: Monster Pounce damage bonus now 50% (was 100%)
- Megamouth: Hunter class special cooldown reduction now 35% (was 50%)
- Nomad: Hunter jetpack recharge bonus now 150% (was 200%)
- Nomad: Monster traversal stamina bonus now 50% (was 100%)
- Tyrant: Monster duration reduced to 2 minutes (was 5)
- Tyrant: Hunter duration reduced to 3 minutes (was 5)
- Tyrant: Hunter health regeneration rate reduced by 20%
Character Perks
- Damage Bonus (M & H): Reduced to 5%, 7.5% and 10% (was 7.5, 10, 15)
- Armor Regeneration (M): Increased to 50%, 75%, 100% (was 25, 38, 50)
- Cooldown Reduction (M): Decreased to 10%, 15%, and 20% (was 15, 23,30)
- Movement Speed (M & H): Increased to 15%, 20% and 25% (was 10, 15, 20)
- Stamina Bonus (M): Reduced to 20%, 30%, 40% (was 25, 35, 50)
- Climb Speed (M): Increased to 50% (was 30)
- Reload Speed (H): Decreased to 15%, 20%, 25% (was 15, 2, 30)
- Jump Height (H): Increased to 300% (was 200)
Mastery Adjustments: Reduced the requirements for the following masteries
- Skilled Tongue Grab: Grab 10 creatures with tongue grab
- Skilled Shrapnel Grenade: Allow 160 Bonus Damage (from weak spots)
- Skilled Rock Wall: Deal 5500 damage with the wall
- Skilled Fissure: Deal 13000 damage
- Skilled Leech Gun: Do 20000 Damage
- Expert Spore Cloud Launcher: Keep the Monster in smoke for 5 seconds (20 times)
- Expert Shield Drone: Shield 19000 total damage
- Expert Tongue Grab: Grab Hunters 25 times
- Expert Lava Bomb: Hit multiple creatures 20 times
- Expert Healing Drone: Revive 10 teammates with a Healing Drone
- Elite Shield Drone: Shield 2000 damage in a single round 20 times
- Elite Healing Drone: Heal 20 teammates from 80 meters away
- Elite Tongue Grab: Grab Hunters in mid-air 30 times
- Elite Fissure: Deal damage to multiple Hunters 30 times
- Elite Spore Cloud Launcher: Smoke Revive 10 teammates
- Elite Spore Cloud Launcher: Increased the requirements for the following masteries
- Expert Rock Wall: Trap a creature between the wall and you 60 times
- Elite Stasis Gun: Enable the team to do 110000 damage while the monster is slowed
- Elite Lava Bomb: HIt multiple Hunters 100 times
Award Adjustments: Tuned requirements for more consistent XP awarded between characters
- Hyde increased requirements for RPS Beast: 520 damage
- Hyde increased requirements for Noxious: 525 damage
- Griffin decreased requirements for Close Quarters: 630 damage
- Val decreased requirements for Quick Fix: 2000 health
- Torvald increased requirements for Obliterated: 1800 damage
- Torvald increased requirements for A Thousand Cuts: 5 hits
- Crow increased requirements for Stop Motion: slow for 12 seconds
- Sunny increased requirements for Power Aid: boost for 24 seconds
Monster: Kraken
- Max Glide Speed while Tranqed or in Stasis reduced to 8 from 9
- Gravity while Tranqed increased to 7 from 6
- Gravity while in Stasis increased to 8 from 7
- The speed in which Kraken is pulled towards Griffin while Harpooned has been has been increased to 12 from 10
- The speed in which Kraken is pulled towards Harpoon traps has been increase to 1.5 from 1.
(This stacks so four traps would pull Kraken towards them at a rate of 6)
Release: 14.08.2015
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamepro.de | play3.de
- Jagd 2.0 wurde hinzugefügt um Matchmakuing zu verbessern
- Jack der neue Jäger wurde hinzugefügt
- Werde zum Shoutcaster: Ihr könnt jetzt eigene Matches mit 1 bis 5 Spielern erstellen und
dann über den Jäger/Monster-Auswahlbildschirm einen Zuschauer hinzufügen
Mit am coolsten beim live Zusehen ist die Möglichkeit, die Jäger dabei zu beobachten,
wie sie im Team agieren, um dann direkt zum Versteck des Monsters zu springen.
- MinMax für das HUD: Wir haben ein angepasstes HUD geschaffen,
auf dem du wichtige Informationen über alle Spieler siehst,
ohne dass der ganze Bildschirm überfrachtet ist. Willst du sehen,
welche Perks gerade im Einsatz sind und wie die Überlebenschancen stehen? Kein Problem.
- DaisyCam: Jawohl, eine DaisyCam. Gern geschehen! Wenn ein Spieler Maggie gewählt hat,
kann man ihrem treuen Schnappmaul Daisy folgen.
- kostenlose Bonus Karte "Mördergrube"
Release: 16.12.2015 (Version 7.01)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Emet
- Wasteland Maggie (Unreleased)
- Tech Sgt Hank (Unreleased)
- Colorblind mode now supports in-game outlines
- Crow, Torvald, & Sunny pistol fire rates now match everyone else in their respective classes.
- Added audio for the incapacitated dropship respawn prompt
- Fixed a bug where AI would still be assigned perks after disabling them in the game
- Torvald: Mortar Cannon fire rate reduced to 300 rounds per minute (was 350)
- Sunny: Shield Drone: Capacity reduced to match Hank's at 730 (was 800)
- Sunny: Shield Drone: Minimum energy to start shielding increased to 365 (was 200)
- Rogue Val: Poison Gun: Decreased damage to 22.5 (was 30)
- Markov: Fixed a bug that prevented Arc Mines from dealing multiple instances of damage in a short period of time
- Sneak audible range made consistent for all monsters
- Heavy Melee Damage: Stage 2 increased to 235 (was 225)
- Heavy Melee Damage: Stage 3 increased to 250 (was 225)
- Light Melee Damage: Stage 2 increased to 93 (was 90)
- Light Melee Damage: Stage 3 increased to 100 (was 90)
- Melee Projectiles: Stage 2 increased to 125 (was 120)
- Melee Projectiles: Stage 3 increased to 135 (was 120)
- Lightning Strike: Stage 1: Max radius increased to 5 (was 4)
- Lightning Strike: Stage 2: Max radius increased to 6 (was 5)
- Lightning Strike: Stage 3: Max radius increased to 7 (was 6)
- Banshee Mines: Homing speed increase to 10 (was 8)
- Banshee Mines: Mine active duration increase to 5 (was 4)
- Air Heavy Attack: Adjusted Wraith's attack to not have a 360 degree hitbox
- Spider Trap: Level 3 deals proper damage on grab now
- Spider Trap: Sound effects adjusted for gameplay clarity
Bugs from Gorgon
- Fixed a bug that would cause Gorgon to continuously teleport while airborne from the hunter's perspective
- Applied the fix for when Gorgon would fall through the world after using Mimic
- Roll Traversal: Increased audible range
- Orbital Drill: Adjusted to fix exploitable and unbalanced areas
Release: 27.01.2016 (Version 8.0)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Fixed graphical corruption showing up on character highlights
- Fixed a crash related to graphics
- Fixed a crash that could occur after playing multiple games in a row at random
- Kala
- Monster: Elder Kraken (unreleased)
- Fix for a crash that could occur after disconnect and reconnecting to the internet
AI Bot Supports and Bot Laz will no longer fire if they are cloaked and not being focused
- Fixed human ragdolls not turning into corpses at the right time
- Fixed reviving players becoming stuck or falling through the world
- Fixed damage amp sometimes amping attacks immediately after the amp is turned off
- Healing Grenades no longer rumble the controller
- Fixed a crash that could occur with the Respawn Beacon
- Body now turns into robot corpse instead of human corpse
- Updated gameplay tips on loading screens to be more accurate
- Updated Emet’s 3 star Healing Buoy Mastery Challenge text to be more clear
- Fixed demon core line about Maggie’s death not playing properly
- Fixed VO lines about healing other hunters not playing as often as they should
- Updated all Respawn Beacon masteries and awards with better descriptions
- Fixed some typos for Emet specific loading screens
- Updated localization issues in French, Russian, Italian, and Spanish
- Fixed Healing Buoy sometimes failing to land on certain surfaces
- Fixed Respawn Beacon respawning players outside of the arena in Arena mode
- Fixed Reload Speed perk not working for Toxic Grenade
- Survey Satellite will no longer be destroyed by friendly fire
- Fixed an exploit related to Plasma Lance
Slim (added)
- Fixed an issue where leeches would get lost by changing Slim's heal burst cast to .001 seconds from .5 seconds
Tech Sergeant Hank
- Shield Charger now works properly with Lennox and Daisy
- Fixed Orbital Drill displaying the wrong weapon name while using it in game
- Fixed Orbital Drill audio not playing correctly on occasion
- Updated text instances of the Laser Cannon being referred to incorrectly
- Fix for Tech Sgt. Hank's weapon camo appearing on regular Hank's weapon when viewing Hank in character select UI
Wasteland Maggie
- Fixed a bug that could make Flame Snare take longer to reload
- Fixed shotgun sounds getting stuck on under certain conditions
- Fixed monsters pushing hunters or themselves through the world with melee finisher attacks
- Fixed animation sync problem when monsters cycle abilities quickly
- Possible fix for cases of invisible walls blocking monsters from moving through normal areas of the maps
- Movement speed perk and buff now work appropriately while slowed by Tranqs and Stasis effects
- Breathing sounds now have a standardized range of 20m for all monsters
- Fixed a bug where Gorgon could continue to take burn damage done to the Mimic
- Traversals play more smoothly in low latency games
- Fixed level 3 Spider Trap dealing incorrect initial damage (now 366, was 266)
- Fixed audio not playing correctly during death sequence
Meteor Goliath
- Improved pause menu ability descriptions
- Fix for skipping part of the rock throw animation
- Fixed instances of Wraith's Abduction causing players to fall through the map
- Matched relay health on The Dam to all other maps
- Fixed UI errors during Evacuation that could lead a memory leak crash
- Fixed memory crash related to menu buttons
- Updated some subtitles that didn’t match what was spoken
- Fixed audio of multiple videos playing at the same time after scrolling through the video gallery
- Updated difficulty ratings on many characters based on community feedback
- Arc Mines: Damage increased to 675 (was 600)
- Lightning Gun: Range increased to 25 meters (was 22.5)
- Plasma Lance: Level 1 damage reduced to 90 (was 100)
- Plasma Lance: Level 2 damage reduced to 180 (was 200)
- Plasma Lance: Level 3 damage reduced to 270 (was 300)
- Plasma Lance: Level 4 damage reduced to 360 (was 400)
- Stasis Gun: Rapid and Charged shot projectile speed increased to 250 meters per second (was 80)
- Survey Satellite: Damage reduced to 500 (was 675)
- Dual Pistols: Damage reduced to 34 (was 36)
- Heal Burst: Cooldown reduced to 18 seconds (was 20)
- Leech Gun: Changed to a fully automatic weapon
- Leech Gun: Fire rate reduced to 210 rounds per minute (was 240)
- Replay Cannon: Tracker shot damage reduced to 45 (was 65)
- Replay Cannon: Homing shot damage reduced to 45 (was 49)
- Jetpack Booster: Capacity Reduced to 70 (was 100)
- Jetpack Booster: Jetpack boost value reduced to 40% (was 50%)
- Mininuke Grenade Launcher: Damage reduced to 165 (was 175)
- Shield Drone: Health Reduced to 250 (was 300)
- Blitz Markov: Tesla Mines now have an increased glow so they are easier to see
- Meteor Goliath: Burn duration increased to 6 seconds (was 5)
- Spider Trap: Level 1 damage per second reduced to 40 (was 62)
- Spider Trap: Level 2 damage per second reduced to 41 (was 62)
- Spider Trap: Level 3 damage per second reduced to 44 (was 66)
- Acid Spit: Level 1 duration reduced to 3.8 seconds (was 4.8)
- Acid Spit: Level 2 duration reduced to 4.6 seconds (was 6)
- Acid Spit: Level 3 duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 7.8)
- Mimic: Level 1 Gorgon break health increased to 320 (was 200)
- Mimic: Level 2 Gorgon break health increased to 400 (was 200)
- Mimic: Level 3 Gorgon break health increased to 520 (was 200)
- Defend: Turret health reduced to 800 (was 1100)
- Defend: Turret damage reduced to 10 (was 20)