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Driveclub Patch Details (25-30)
Release: 29.09.2014 (Version 1.01)
Quelle: playfront.de
- Behebt einen Fehler in "Tour" wodurch auch Fortschritt ermöglicht
ohne die Veranstaltungen abzuschliessen
- Behebt einen Verbindungfehler beim beitreten von Mehrspieler-Veranstaltungen
- Mercedes-AMG GT S ist nun kostenlos zum Download verfügbar
- Fehlerbehebungen, Leistungsverbesserungen und Spielbarkeitsanpasungen
Release: 07.10.2014 (Version 1.02)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- kleine Bugs werden behoben
- Der Online-Modus wird aktiviert
Release: 12.10.2014 (Version 1.03)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Das Update verringert die Server-Last
- Behebt einen Fehler der Clubs zerstörte
- Zwei weitere Fehlert, die zu einem Absturz führen konnten.
Release: 14.10.2014 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- Server laufen nicht stabil dadruch wurde die My Driveclub App & PS+ Version verschoben
- Bessere Stabilität der Server
- Automatische Anmeldung beim Start des Spiels kann nun deaktiviert werden
Release: 16.10.2014 (Version 1.04)
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamepro.de
- Den Netcode wird optimiert und sorgt für bessere Verbindungen zu den Servern
- Implements several game-side multiplayer improvements to reduce server load.
- Fixes scheduled events from occasionally disappearing from the event browser in multiplayer.
- Fixes incorrect target times/scires from appearing in Time Trial and Drift Events.
Release: 16.10.2014 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Performance wird weiter verbessert.
Release: 29.10.2014 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Das Matchmaking wird verbessert
- Nun versucht man mehr Spieler mit ähnlicher Internet-Anbindung zusammen in eine Session zu bringen
- Gleichzeitig wurden damit auch einige immer noch vorhandene Bugs ausgebessert.
Release: 30.10.2014 (Version 1.05)
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- Die Stabilität der Verbindung wurde erhöht
- 170 MB groß
Release: 02.11.2014 (Version 1.06)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Fehler wurde behoben welcher den Spielstand zerstören konnte
Fehler wurde durch Patch Version 1.05 verursacht
Release: 18.11.2014 (Version 1.07)
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- Foto Modus wird hinzugefügt
- Abmilderung der Strafewn bei Abkürzungen
- verbesserte Kollisionsphysik im Multiplayer
- Mehr Optionen innerhalb dews Club Menüs
- Neue Strecken: Indien-Yedepalli, Scotland-Wester Ross, Chile-Los Pelambres
- 1,06 GB groß
Release: 08.12.2014 (Version 1.08)
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- Dynamische Wetter wird nachgereicht
mit Regen, Schnee, Donner, Blitzen
- 2 neue Strecken: Sinclair Pass in Kanada und Atlanterhavsvegen in Norwegen
- Club-Lackierungen können nun auch offline verwendet worden.
- 2,42 GB groß
Release: 17.12.2014 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Verbesserungen bei den Challenges
- Leaderboards werden optimiert sind aber werden 48h nicht aktualisiert
Release: 21.12.2014 (Version 1.09)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Stabilität des Spiels wird optimiert
- Ebenfalls Verbesserungen an der Audioqualität und den Leaderboards wird vorgenommen
Release: 19.01.2015 (Version 1.10)
Quelle: gamezone.de | gameswelt.de | gamezone.de | consolewars.de | gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- 5 Neue Strecken werden hinzugefügt (japanische Orte)
- Neuer Multiplayer Modus "Time Trial"
- Fix für die Online Statistiken die seit Version 1.08 defekt sind
Gameplay Improvements
- Improvements to the weather visuals, including rainbows and heat haze!
- Makes changes to Drift Mode, to prevent backing up to score more points.
- Makes changes to AI drafting behaviour.
- Makes changes to the impact of world collisions whilst driving on a straight,
to reduce the amount of drag and speed lost from impact.
- Adds a new option to Event Settings to race without crowd, track infrastructure and corner flags.
- Adds the option to browse and register for Multiplayer events via the Social Hub.
- Windscreen wiper speeds have been changed.
- A bug causing AI car wing mirrors to show a flase reflection has now been fixed.
- Disables overscan compensation when playing via Remote Play.
- Adds a link to the PlayStation®Store to the DRIVECLUB Home menu.
- Also includes a number of minor bug fixes, performance improvements and usability tweaks.
Photomode Improvements
- Adds the option to reset damage and remove dirt when taking a photo.
- Adds the option to permanently hide camera movement controls when accessing Photo Mode.
- Players can now access Photo Mode while using a steering wheel via R3.
- Players can now move the camera while OSD is disabled in photo mode.
- 3,3 GB groß
Release: 28.01.2015
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Neue kostenloses Auto "Icona Vulcano"
Release: 17.02.2015 (Version 1.11)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Neues Auto Packet mit 5 Autos & 5 neuen Trophäen wird eingebaut
- Neue Midnight Tour Pack mit einem Tour Event & 5 neuen Trophäen
- Neues Feature "Team Time Trial"
- 1 neue kostenlose Strecke "Kobago"
- 1 neues kostenloses Auto "VHL 05"
- 30 Korrekturen und Änderungen
- 690 MB groß
Release: 16.03.2015 (Version 1.12)
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de | gamezone.de | gameswelt.de | gamezone.de | consolewars.de
- Replay-Feature in allen Single-Events und Touren. Replays können
am Ende jedes Single-Rennens gespeichert und später in der Replay-Section betrachtet werden.
- Der Foto-Modus kann von jeder Stelle im Replay aus aufgerufen werden.
- Neue Belohnung fürs Erreichen des Driver Levels 50, man erhält einen Ferrari 599XX Evoluzione.
- Neue Verteilung der Punkte im Drift Modus.
- Beim versehentlichen verlassen der Strecke wird man nun langsamer abgebremst.
- Geänderte Bestrafung bei Kollisionen mit der Umwelt, so dass man sich dadurch keinen Vorteil mehr verschaffen kann.
- Neue Option zur Einstellung der Bildhelligkeit.
- Neue Option zur Einstellung der einzelnen Soundeffekte.
- Neue Option um in Single-Rennen nur gegen KI-Fahrer im gleichen Auto anzutreten.
- Neue Option um die Autos der KI-Fahrer in der Werkslackierung antreten zu lassen.
- Voice-Chat-Icon der Spieler im Multiplayer entfernt, die man stumm geschaltet hat.
- Neue Kategorie für heruntergeladene Livery-Packs
- Neue Statusanzeige über Freunde die Driveclub spielen im Social Hub.
- Sofortige Zentrierung der Kamera nachdem man das Rennen per Touchpad-Button zurücksetzte.
- Support für Live-Streaming via Twitch und Ustream im Multiplayer hinzugefügt.
- Erweiterte Hitzeeffekte hinzugefügt.
- Diverse kleine Verbesserungen bezüglich Performance und Stabilität.
Update 1.12 Add-ons (coming to PlayStation Store March 24-26):
- Adds support for the Peugeot Onyx Concept, coming to PlayStation Store as a free download.
- Adds support for the Lamborghini Expansion Pack, coming to PlayStation Store as a premium/Season Pass add-on.
- The Lamborghini Car Pack includes: Lamborghini Aventador LP 720-4 50° Anniversario,
Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4, Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Squadra Corse and Lamborghini Veneno.
- The Lamborghini Tour Pack includes 10 new Events and 5 new Trophies.
- Adds support for the Pacesetter Tour Pack, coming to PlayStation Store as a premium/Season Pass add-on.
- The Pacesetter Tour Pack includes 12 new Events and 5 new Trophies.
- Adds support for 2 new livery packs, coming to PlayStation Store as a premium/Season Pass add-on.
Each Livery Pack contains 5 new livery patterns to customise your cars with.
- 600 MB groß
Release: 23.03.2015 (Version 1.13)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Dabei wird die Multiplayer-Stabilität verbessert
- 50 MB groß
Release: 07.04.2014 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: consolewars.de | gamezone.de
- Verbesserungen der Online Server
- Wartungen von 12 Uhr bis 21 Uhr
Release: 21.04.2015 (Version 1.14)
Quelle: consolewars.de
- Level 5 beim Ferrari Owners Club erreicht bekommt den LaFerrari kostenlos freigeschaltet
- Adds the Startline Tour. All new players will now jump into a brand new Tour when they first play the game called Startline.
- The Startline Tour is available for free and features 11 events and 45 objectives.
This Tour mainly serve as a varied and well balanced introduction to DRIVECLUB
and is based on some of the most popular and entertaining events from elsewhere in the game.
- Adds Multiplayer Race Replays to the game. You can now save a
Replay at the end of any Multiplayer Race and view it later from the Replays menu.
- Adds a new Audio Settings option to change the acoustic settings for all cockpit cameras,
so that you can change between internally recorded sound or externally recorded sound.
- Adds a new Single Event option to set "Time Of Day" for a Single Event to half past every hour as well as on the hour.
- Adds a new Single Event option to change the number of laps in a Race to any number from 1 to 25 laps.
- Adds a new Controller Settings option to allow adjustment of the steering lock rotation angle on all supported steering wheels.
- Includes general improvements to the game for better performance, stability and usability.
Update 1.14 Add-ons (coming to PlayStation®Store April 28-30):
- The Rimac Automobili Concept_One, coming to PlayStation®Store as a free download.
- The Turbocharged Expansion Pack, coming to PlayStation®Store as a Season Pass add-on (and also available to buy separately).
- The Turbocharged Car Pack includes: Ferrari F40, Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, Dodge Charger SRT8,
Jaguar XKR-S Coupé and Volkswagen Design Vision GTI.
- The Turbocharged Tour Pack includes 11 new Events and 5 new Trophies.
- The Turbocharged Tour Pack includes a special bonus Livery, awarded when you collect 45/45 stars.
- The Evolution Tour Pack, coming to PlayStation®Store as a Season Pass add-on (and also available to buy separately).
» The Evolution Tour Pack includes 12 new Events and 5 new Trophies.
- The Evolution Tour Pack includes a special bonus Livery, awarded when you collect 45/45 stars.
- 2 new livery packs, coming to PlayStation®Store as a premium/Season Pass add-on.
Each Livery Pack contains 5 new livery patterns to customise your cars with.
Release: 18.05.2015 (Version 1.15)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Levelobergrenze auf 55 angehoben und für jeden der neuen Level gibt es einen Award abzustauben.
Darüber hinaus könnt ihr ab dann sämtliche HUD-Einblendungen während des Rennens
mit einem Tastendruck ein- oder ausschalten, ohne pausieren zu müssen
- Vorbereitungen für den kommenden DLC am 26.5.2015
- ca. 300 MB groß
Release: 01.06.2015 (Version 1.16)
Quelle: play3.de | consolewars.de | gamezone.de
- Challenges will be expanded to support an unlimited number of participants.
- Challenge notifications will be integrated into the Social Hub activity feed for easy access.
- The Challenge Menu will have a new interface to make it easier to join Challenges.
- Evolution Studios Challenges will be added to the Challenge Menu for direct and easy access.
- Invitation options will be optimised to focus on active players and reduce challenge notification spam.
- More of our favourite #PS4share pictures created by the community will be added to the Menus.
- Significant technical improvements will be made to enhance server connectivity and prepare for the PlayStation Plus Edition
- 100 MB groß
Release: 04.06.2015 (Version 1.17)
Quelle: playstationlifestyle.net
- A small issue performance issue with the new challenges menus
- 100 MB groß
Release: 17.06.2015 (Version 1.18)
Quelle: play3.de
- Adds new Driver Levels: You can now reach Level 60 and every new level has a reward!
- Adds new Accolades: All Cars and locations have a full set of Accolades.
- Adds support for the new Logitech G29 Driving wheel.
- Hoon-a-Tic fix: We’ve fixed the Drift stat issue some of you have seen that affects the Hoon-a-tic Trophy
please complete one more event to unlock your Trophy!
- Challenge improvements: Adds a convenient preview of your current score and standing in every Challenge
(so that you don’t have to go into every Leaderboard to see if you played and what your current position is).
- Challenge improvements: Increases the Fame reward for all places in a Challenge.
- Car improvements: We’ve fixed an audio bug affecting the quality of the Lamborghini Murcielago engine sound.
- Car improvements: We’ve fixed a visual bug with the Koenigsegg One:1 gear change animation.
- Adds a new loading image to show off one of our favourite #PS4share pictures.
- Includes general improvements for game performance, stability and usability.
- 420 MB groß
Release: 20.06.2015 (Version 1.19)
Quelle: play3.de | consolewars.de
- Es wird zusätzliche Funktionen für den Foto Modus geben
- Elite Levels werden eingeführt, die nicht nur durch grinden erhöht werden können,
auch der nötige Skill ist relevant
- Es wird eine Funktion geben zur Garagen Filterung
- Neue Kamera-Settings
- Face-Off Options
- Club Leaderboards in vorhandenen Tour Events
- Eine neue "Random Event" Option
- Verbesserungen bei den Club Challenge Leaderboards
- Die Menüs haben ein Update erfahren
- Ein neues Bild beim Community Ladebildschirm
Release: 20.07.2015 (Version 1.20)
Quelle: consolewars.de | play3.de | gamezone.de
- ELITE Driver Levels are now available above Level 60. You'll have to prove your skills on the track as
well as reach the required number of Tour Stars and Fame Points to earn these ELITE Levels!
Every new Driver Level has a reward too.
- New 'Random Event' in DRIVE lets you quickly get behind the wheel and try something different.
It's perfect for creating new Challenges!
- Club Challenges now show all Club Members participating and individual leaderboard positions to make it
more rewarding and competitive for everyone taking part.
- New Club Leaderboards for every Tour event: go and get your Club ranked in your favourite events as soon as you update the game!
- Improved camera shake and new Gameplay Settings option to adjust the camera shake intensity
or turn it down completely for a silky smooth drive.
- New Gameplay Settings option to turn Face-offs on or off, for those of you who prefer the pure thrill of the race
without any distractions or extra opportunities for earning Fame.
- New Garage options to filter the vehicles so that you can more easily find the car you're looking for.
- Adds new filters and frames to Photo Mode.
- Adds the ability to toggle ghosts on and off in Time Trial and Drift mode, by using left on the D-Pad.
- Stunning new #PS4share photo added to the loading screen
- Updated Credits with personal messages, special thanks and new members of the team!
- Includes general improvements for game performance, stability and usability.
Release: 18.08.2015 (Version 1.21)
Quelle: consolewars.de | gamezone.de
- New Supercar awarded for reaching Driver Level 66: The Renault R.S. 01!
- 12 new 'SPRINT' variations of DRIVECLUB tracks for Time Trial & Challenges: Cayoosh Point, Putre, Munnar, Goshodaira, Holmastad
& The Kyle (including unique Sprints for the standard and reverse track versions).
- 10 more ELITE Driver Levels from 66 to 75. All levels have a new reward.
- The Rimac Automobili Concept_One and VUHL 05 are better! We've modified the
vehicle performance and handling for these 2 cars based on further collaboration with manufacturers and community feedback.
- Adds support for the Thrustmaster TH8PA manual gear shifter (including sequential shifting and clutch support).
- Car statistics are now detailed on the vehicle select screen: Drivetrain, Engine Position, Kerb Weight and more.
- New default order of cars in the garage/vehicle select.
- Rebalanced the frequency of wet weather and night time events in Random Event.
- Added Club leaderboards to all Tour events in addition to the standard solo leaderboards.
- New option when sending a challenge to filter
your Friends list to show DRIVECLUB players.
- Stunning new #PS4share photo added to the loading screen
- Includes general improvements for game performance, stability and usability.
- 500 MB groß
Release: 14.09.2015
Quelle: consolewars.de | play3.de
- Neue Sprint Strecken werden hinzugefügt
Release: 28.09.2015
Quelle: consolewars.de | play3.de | playm.de
- Neue Sprint Strecken werden hinzugefügt
Release: 05.10.2015
- Neue Sprint Strecken werden hinzugefügt
Release: 12.10.2015
Quelle: play3.de
- Neue Sprint Strecken werden hinzugefügt
Release: 19.10.2015
Quelle: play3.de
- Neue Sprint Strecken werden hinzugefügt
Release: 26.10.2015
Quelle: consolewars.de | play3.de
- Neue Sprint Strecken werden hinzugefügt
Release: 03.11.2015
Quelle: gameswelt.de | gamepro.de | play3.de | consolewars.de | gamezone.de
- Neue Trophän werden eingebaut
- Private Lobbys sind nun möglich
- Optionale Bremshilfe wird hinzugefügt
- The Club Level cap has been raised from 50 to 55, with a new reward to unlock at level 55.
- ELITE Driver Levels 76-80 have been added, with a new reward to unlock at each level.
- ELITE Driver Level Challenges can now be played directly via a new option in your Driver Profile.
- A new in-game store has been added to make finding add-ons for DRIVECLUB much easier.
- Adds a steering wheel profile for DRIVECLUB Bikes, and reintroduces look left and right
on the steering wheel d-pad for cars.
- 2 new Sprint tracks for Glenmorgan (India) and Chungara Lake (Chile).
- An adjustable 'Braking Assist' is now available to aid those less familiar with the tracks,
generally helping make the game easier for novice drivers.
- Includes general improvements for game performance, stability and usability.
- 400 MB groß
Release: 03.12.2015 (Version 1.25)
Quelle: gamezone.de | consolewars.de
- Unlock the Mercedes-AMG S 65 Coupé by completing Rank 6 of the Mercedes-Benz Owners Club Accolade.
- Unlock the KTM 1290 Super Duke R by completing Rank 10 of the KTM Owners Club Accolade.
- All Tours now have an easy difficulty setting, featuring easier AI opponents and easier objectives called Silver Stars.
These are in addition to the existing Gold Star system.
- All cars now feature 15 individual levels. Level up your cars to unlock 15 customisation
slots for new special paint types: Flake, Flip and Chrome.
- Vehicle customisation slots have also increased from 4 to 16. This gives you
more freedom to change the livery designs across all of your vehicles.
- Driver and Club Accolades have ALL increased from 5 to 10 levels. Levels 6-10 offer significantly
more generous fame rewards for you and your club.
- Driver Levels & Elite Levels are now separate. Your Driver Level advances as you earn Fame.
Your Elite Level advances as you complete the Elite objectives.
- 5 new Driver Levels have been added (new cap is 85). There’s a new livery reward to unlock at each level.
- 5 new Elite Levels have been added (new cap is 25).
- 5 new Club Levels have been added (new cap is 60). There’s a new livery reward to unlock at level 60.
- The main menu for DRIVECLUB BIKES has been updated to feature a selection
of our favourite #PS4share community photos.
- Awesome new #PS4share community photos are featured as the loading screens for DRIVECLUB and DRIVECLUB BIKES.
- Privates Lobbies have new filters for inviting friends, so you can easily see which friends are online and
which friends are online playing DRIVECLUB.
- Privates Lobbies have new options for Braking Assist, Laps (up to 25) and Grid Order
(including order by result of the previous session).
- Driver and Rider customisation is now featured in the Settings menu for quick and easy access.
- Includes general improvements for game performance, stability and usability.
Release: 21.01.2016 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Verbesserungen der Online Server
- Verschiedene Probleme vom Online Modus werden behoben
Release: 11.02.2016 (Version 1.26)
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | consolewars.de | gamezone.de | gamepro.de | dlcs=play3.de
- Neue Grafikfilter: Nachtschicht, schwarz/weiss
- kostenlose neue Strecke: Scotland - Old Town
- Levels Caps Erhöhung: Elite Levels bis 35 | Driver Level bis 95 | Club Level bis 85
- Hardcore-Mode wird hinzugefügt
Dadurch werden Traktions und Stabilitäts Kontrollen deaktiviert
- Vorbereitung für den "No Limits" DLC für 3,59€ am 23.02.2016 mit
Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R V-Spec II
Honda Civic Type-R
5 Neue Trophäen werden hinzugefügt
6 Neue Tour Events
- Vorbereitung für den "Suzuki" DLC für 3,59€ am 23.02.2016 mit
6 Neue Tour Events
5 Neue Trophäen werden hinzugefügt
Motorrad Suzuki GSX R1000
Motorrad Suzuki GSX S1000 ABS
Release: 01.03.2016 (Vom Server aus gemacht)
Quelle: play3.de
- Performance der Online Server werden wieder hergestellt
Release: 09.03.2016 (Version 1.27)
Quelle: play3.de | gamepro.de
- Drift-Modus wird hinzugefügt
- Überarbeitetes Hauptmenü
- Reset aller Ranglisten
- Performance Verbesserungen
- 25 neue Elite-Level (Maximum ist 60)
- 25 neue Fahrer-Level (Maximum ist 120)
- 35 neue Club-Level (Maximum ist 120)
- 300 MB groß
Release: in Arbeit
Quelle: gamezone.de | consolewars.de | play3.de | cheater= play3.de
- Private lobbies! This is our main focus now that the servers are running smoothly and the PS+ Edition of DRIVECLUB is live.
- DRIVECLUB companion app: We'll have more news on this soon.
- More free cars: There isn't a new free car coming in July but we've got some awesome cars lined up for you in August and September!
- More Cars & Tours: The packs coming in July mark the end of the Season Pass
but not the end of DRIVECLUB! We have much more coming so stay with us.
- More Game Updates: We're committed to keeping the game fresh and enjoyable for you,
so we will continue to make improvements and add features based on your feedback.
Please keep sharing your thoughts with us to help us continually evolve the game around you.
- Cheater die in der Rangliste weit oben stehen werden endlich in Angriff genommen