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Destruction Allstars Patch Details (6)
Release: 06.02.2021 (Version 1.2.2)
Quelle: play3.de
- Die Sprachkommunikation in Multiplayer wurde standardmäßig für alle Spieler deaktiviert
Wir arbeiten aktiv an langfristigen Verbesserungen am Sprachkommunikationssystem
- Es wurden mehrere Abstürze des Clients behoben, die mit den Multiplayer-Lobbies und der UL zusammenhingen
Release: 10.02.2021 (Version 1.2.3)
Quelle: play3.de
- Die Zeit für den wöchentlichen Reset wurde auf Mittwoch 16 Uhr festgelegt.
- Wöchentliche Herausforderungen gewähren jetzt AllStar-Münzen anstelle von XP
- Die XP-Belohnungen für tägliche Herausforderungen wurden von 3k auf 25k erhöht
- Mehrere Probleme behoben, die ein erfolgreiches Matchmaking verhinderten
- Die Häufigkeit, mit der Gruppen am Ende eines Matches in verschiedene Spiele aufgeteilt werden, wurde reduziert
- Ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Benutzeroberfläche fälschlicherweise die Spielerstufe wiederherstellte
- Mehrere Serverabstürze im Zusammenhang mit Gridfall behoben
- Mehrere Client-Abstürze behoben
- Verbesserte Beschreibungen einiger Fehlermeldungen
Release: 12.03.2021 (Version 1.3.1)
Quelle: play3.de
- NEW: Mayhem 8v8 Playlist now available in Multiplayer.
This featured playlist is available for two weeks.
- Weekly Challenges will now reward Destruction Points alongside AllStar Coins.
- Increased the amount of AllStar Coins players receive upon leveling up.
- Added 9 new AllStar skins to the game.
Added the first Heroic and Legendary tier skins - a significant uplift compared to previous tiers.
- End game podium for solo game modes has been expanded to include the top three players.
- Added an emote prompt on the end game podium screen.
- Fixed an issue where moving from training to multiplayer affected the audio experience, including announcer voice over.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the camera to become detached from the player.
- Fixed an issue that caused parties to split when queuing at the end of a game.
This should help mitigate imbalanced teams in multiplayer games.
- Fixed an issue that caused some badges to unlock when achieving the unlock condition of other badges.
We are still actively investigating reports of Trophies not unlocking alongside badges.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing the “Wreck Smoke Commander” Star Objective in Lupita’s Leader of the Pack Challenge Series.
- Fixed Player level number. This should now be correctly reflected across all areas of the UI.
- Fixed several UI issues.
- Improved matchmaking reliability when finding players.
This should help mitigate instances of players getting stuck in an infinite search.
- Improved HUD messaging relating to player ping.
Players experiencing high latency for a prolonged time will receive a minor notification in the bottom right of the HUD, near the mini-map.
- Improved matchmaking stability.
Release: 05.05.2021 (Version 1.4.0)
Quelle: play3.de | release=play3.de
- Season 1 "HotShots" ist gestartet
- neue kompetitive Modus „Blitz“
- Foto-Modus ermöglicht auch im Singleplayer von „Destruction AllStars“ Schnappschüsse anzufertigen
Release: 28.07.2021 (Version 2.3.0)
Quelle: reddit.com | blog.playstation.com | play3.de
- New high quality skins and cosmetics
- Online parties for solo game modes
- A new Quickplay playlist
- Buffs to AllStars and Hero Vehicles
- Three new premium AllStar Pass tiers
- Refreshed shop interface
- Resolved an issue where side slams would not be flagged correctly.
- Improved the vehicle spawner debris effects, look and time in the world.
- Impact sparks and particles now inherit velocity and generally look more dynamic.
- Camera shake is added when a user spawns in hero vehicles.
- Some vehicle wheel health zones have been realigned into the correct location, this should result in improved wheel detachment on some vehicles
AllStar Changes:
- On-foot breaker will now cause damage to vehicles.
- On foot ability now destroys rival mines.
- Change to on-screen effect seen by enemy vehicles when damaged
- Change to on-screen effect seen by enemies on-foot when damaged
- Mine spawn pattern changed to be in a forward firing wedge and also take the speed at which he’s running into consideration.
- Mine spread and how far will now depend on how fast Jian is running.
- Fire trail will now last 1.8 seconds (previously 2 seconds)
Hero Vehicle Changes:
Barong (Ratu):
- Updated with a new effect when their breaker is active.
- Vehicle Health changed to 320HP (previously 240)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.5s
Gravitron (Muna):
- Gravitron no longer loses shield levels to light environment damage.
- UI Indicator for shield now reflects the correct level if the change is bigger than 1 level.
- Vehicle Health changed to 360HP (previously 260)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.5s
Xero (Xander):
- Xero will always target vehicles over characters where available. If no vehicle is available then it will look at on-foot characters.
- Xero will always target the top 3 players available.
- Vehicle Health changed to 400HP (previously 160)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2s
Calisto (Genesis):
- Calisto ability now does extra damage when impacts are made with the front of the vehicle during the ability.
- Vehicle Health changed to 400HP (previously 180)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.5s
Box Mobile (Boxtop):
- Drones will now target victims with a laser pointer to show when they are being attacked more clearly. Lasers will only show when being attacked.
- Ability duration has been increased to 30 seconds.
- Drone has been improved to catch up if the drone goes offscreen.
- Vehicle Health changed to 400HP (previously 220)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.8s
Morning star (Jian):
- Spikes will now result in on-foot characters being KO’d.
- Vehicle Health changed to 320HP.
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.8s
- Mr. Sparkles (Twinkle Riot):
- Mr sparkles' ability can now no longer lose levels.
- Vehicle Health changed to 360HP. (previously 180)
Forward slam cooldown adjusted depending on rampage level (When ability is active):
- Level 1 - 2.3s
- Level 2 - 2.1s
- Level 3 - 1.9s
Cypher (Shyft):
- While cloaked, Cypher will now do extra damage to rivals.
- Vehicle Health changed to 360HP. (previously 200)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2s
Shredder (Bluefang):
- Vehicle Health changed to 320HP (previously 200)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.5s
Wildfire (Lupita):
- Vehicle Health changed to 320HP. (previously 180)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.8s
Claymore (Alba):
- Vehicle Health changed to 320HP. (previously 180)
- Laser cooldown adjusted, 2.5s per direction.
Undisputed (Ultimo):
- Vehicle Health changed to 360HP. (previously 260)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.5s
Crescendo (Harmony):
- Vehicle Health changed to 360HP. (previously 200)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.1s
Sabre (Hana):
- Vehicle Health changed to 360HP. (previously 140)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.5s
Cerberus (Fuego):
- Vehicle Health changed to 400HP. (previously 220)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.5s
- Smoke Commander (Sgt. Rescue):
- Vehicle Health changed to 400HP. (previously 220)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2.5s
Number one (Angelo):
- Vehicle Health changed to 400HP. (previously 180)
- Forward slam cooldown adjusted (When ability is active): 2s
Slam cooldown timer:
- Side and Forward slam cooldown times are being reduced on all Hero vehicles, ability inactive.(Except Alba’s Claymore)
General Changes:
- Resolved an issue where side slams would not be flagged correctly.
- Improved the vehicle spawner debris effects, look and time in the world.
- Impact sparks and particles now inherit velocity and generally look more dynamic.
- Camera shake is added when a user spawns in hero vehicles.
- Some vehicle wheel health zones have been realigned into the correct location, this should result in improved wheel detachment on some vehicles
Release: 01.10.2021 (Version 2.3.0)
Quelle: play3.de
Sollte euch das passieren, verliert ihr 30 Prozent eurer erzielten Punkte. Dadurch habt ihr nach einem Fehler immer noch die Chance, zurück an die Spitze zu gelangen.
Ihr solltet also passiver spielen, wenn ihr ganz oben in der Rangliste seid. Eine einzige Panne kann euch den Sieg ruinieren.
- Das Punktesystem funktioniert genau wie im normalen Motornado-Modus. Genau wie in Massaker-Fall stürzt allerdings die Arena im Laufe der Partie ein.
Wenn ihr einen Abgrund hinunterstürzt, verliert ihr all eure gewonnenen Zahnräder. Daher müsst ihr mit Bedacht vorgehen, um die Oberhand zu gewinnen.
Release: 06.10.2021 (Version 2.3.0)
Quelle: play3.de
- Das Punktesystem funktioniert genau wie im normalen Motornado-Modus. Genau wie in Massaker-Fall stürzt allerdings die Arena im Laufe der Partie ein.
Wenn ihr einen Abgrund hinunterstürzt, verliert ihr all eure gewonnenen Zahnräder. Daher müsst ihr mit Bedacht vorgehen, um die Oberhand zu gewinnen.