0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ
Release: 27.08.2009
Quelle: play3.de
- ausbalancierte Primärwaffen
- Portrait´s der Spieler im Standing Screen
- Zugang zum Store aus dem Spiel heraus
- Spezifische Invert Axis Option für die Turret Gun
- Verbesserte Sound-Output Level
- Spott Animation für Original Charakter wurde hinzugefügt
- Bot AI wurde verbessert
- 43 MB groß
Release: 06.10.2009 (Version 2.02)
Quelle: blogspot.com
- Sound fix for issues where various sounds are not being played at all
- Unlock Heist Map Pack fix
- Now unlocks the Heist Map Pack properly when purchasing it within the game’s online store.
- Heist cash bag fix
- Corrected detection of when players and other players bots
are removed from the game taking the cash bag with them.
- DUALSHOCK 3 Vibration support
- Added rumble for player weapons, near player explosions, player vehicle weapons,
player vehicle collision impacts, weapon impacts on the player etc.
- To avoid any new text issues the game only acknowledges the on/off setting of
vibrations the player can set in the system’s controller settings.
- 8287 KB groß