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Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Patch Details (18)


Release: 04.11.2016

Quelle: cod.com

- Fehler aus der Beta werden entfernt

Release: 12.11.2016

Quelle: play3.de

- Spieleliste "Infiziert" wurde hinzugefügt

-  850 MB groß

Release: 20.11.2016

Quelle: play3.de

- Infected has been added back

- Hardcore FFA has been added

- Hardcore Kill Confirmed has been added

- Removed Hardcore Defender


- Scorestreaks now give team score based on where the owner is on the map in Frontline

- Double XP UI added

- Volk Tuning: reduced damage range, reduced hip fire accuracy, more violent ADS view kick

- Infected: Inactivity kick (Infected will be added back shortly)

- Infected: always turn initial infected to normal infected if a survivor suicides

- Frost: spawn additional out of bound trigger to catch dropped bombs by sub wallrun

- Rigs are now properly unlocked when ANY of their rig packages are unlocked, rather than just the first one.

- Speculative fix for a crash in the wild

- Fix for split screen weapon streaming

Zombies in Spaceland

- Added a weapon rank upgrade splash when that weapon reaches a new rank.

- Don’t end the game in solo if The Hoff is active

- Correctly handle Coupon Clipper FnF card when used to call in The Hoff V3.

- Fixed an exploit where players can double jump after respawing from dying via a kill trigger.

- Weapon upgrade powerup fixes.

- Fixed an exploit where players who played both MP and CP

would get drastically increased Weapon XP gains

Release: 02.12.2016 (Version 1.05)

Quelle: play3.de

General Updates

- Fixed an issue to make sure the appropriate win/loss is given if the match ends before the forfeit timer finishes.

- Fixed several map exploits on the following maps: Skydock, Precinct, Frost, Genesis,

Crusher, Terminal, Retaliation, Mayday, Throwback, Scorch, Grounded, Frontier

- Fixed an issue where Mission Team challenge progress would not display properly in round based modes.

- Fix for Warfighter ‚Ping‘ Trait Challenge.

- Hardcore: Score popup is now shown in the HUD. Selected killstreaks are now shown in the HUD

- Fixed issues with the Nuke killstreak in round based modes.

- Fixed an issue where joining a match in progress and losing would end your win streak.

- Fixed an issue with force spawning users without a loadout selected in Custom matches.

- End of match combat now occurs in Uplink. Scoring is disabled once the match timer hits 0.

- Various winner’s circle updates and bug fixes.

 - Infected updates: XP Updates: Survivors can earn more score / XP on kills.

All Infected players now earn assist point whenever a Survivor is killed. Slowed down the Infected move speed slightly.

Infected now have a red electric effect to better distinguish them from normal Synaptics.

More weapons will be added in a future update, we promise they are coming!

- Fixed an issue to make sure the appropriate win/loss is given if the match ends before the forfeit timer finishes.

- Notification for the „latest“ calling cards from drops

- Fix to Taunt menu selection and audio queues

- Fix for Orion Initiative Mission Team Commander congratulations call out after ranking up

- Fix for accessories not remaining equipped after leaving menu

- Joining a game in-progress and then losing no longer ends your win streak

- Adjusted overlap of text in Calling Card and Emblem menus

- The „Good Citizen“ Medal is now correctly awarded to the player who owned the package, not the one who picked it up

- Fix for being awarded Scrap Assist points after dealing damage to a friendly Shock Sentry

- Fix for one of the Synaptic Taunts not appearing correctly

- Adjustment to the Banshee ammo counter animation

- Added ricochet to the Epic Oni prototype, Kaiken

- Fixed a bug where an error would occur after calling in a UAV

- Fixed a bug when holding a weapon and gesturing

- Fix for players being given Missions for Rigs that are not currently unlocked

- Fixed a bug where the Banshee: Siren wasn’t having an impact on other players after being damaged

- Fix for the HUD Uplink satellite drone icon not showing which team controls the drone while in splitscreen

- Fixed a timing bug where a turret would linger on a dead target before proceeding to target another enemy

- Fixed an issue where a player would get the wrong mission in a match

- Fixed a freeze issue when attempting to access the Store

- Fixed a bug where splitscreen users were unable to change their team or role in custom games

- Fix for a bug on Frontier where shadows would flicker in the hallway in splitscreen

- Adjusted the killcam when a player is killed by a Bio Spike on Frontier

 -Vulture scorestreak adjustments: Turret damage increased.

Turret fires faster. Min time between bursts decreased.

Vulture movement adjusted to be more awesome.

- Added function to allow the user to rotate a weapon in the Loadout select menu

- Fixed a bug that would kick a player to the Main Menu when using the Steel Dragon Payload

- Fixed a bug for secondary controllers for users in splitscreen

- Fixed crash that would occur after map restarts

- Fix for users seeing repeat Rig videos

- Removed „Connecting to Matchmaking Service“ text in Loadout menu after searching for a Public Match

- Fixed an issue in splitscreen where both users would be kicked from the Loadout Menu if scrolling through it at the same time

- Fixed a bug where users were able to temporarily gain access to locked Loadout slots

 -Fixed a bug in splitscreen where a user who enters Prestige would see red on the screen and

would cause the player to lose Create A Class functionality, revealing placeholder icons

- P-Law can now 1 shot UAV and CUAV

- Fixed an issue where the UI wasn’t displaying a few tiers for some of the Outfitter challenges

- Adjusted the death camera from penetrating into corpses on the map

- Fixed a bug on Genesis where the Vulture could get stuck inside of buildings

- Fixed a bug where bots would hover around the position of a dropped flag by the opposing team in CTF

- Fix for various overlapping texts in some menus

- Fixed a bug to ensure the location map for deploying Bombardment and Scorcher streaks

wouldn’t be cut off when in splitscreen

 - Fix for the cook timer being visually offset in splitscreen

- Fixed an error message and/or infinite loading screen after buying the Season Pass

(only specific languages)

- Fix for possible stat loss when signing into the same PSN account on multiple consoles

- Fixed an issue the reticles on the DMR-1 Spectacle prototype are scoped causing the reticles to overlap the edges of sight in-game

- Various lobby merging lobby fixes

- Luitween error fix

- Splitscreen players will now be awarded Keys and Mission Team Rank

- Fixed a bug in the Quartermaster screen that would cause hitching after opening a drop

- Moved Gender Voice Option to Rig Appearance Menu

Zombies in Spaceland

- Potential Luitween Error fix

- Further work to ensure AFK players don’t stay in the game and continue to matchmaking

- The Headcutter damage exploit vs. Alien has been balanced

- Adjustment to pause menu visuals during splitscreen

Xbox One-Specific

- Fix for muting players via „View Gamercard“ option

- Fixed hitching on Xbox while in a Private Party

- Fixed a rare audio related crash

- Fixed a bug where the title doesn’t transition into an active Zombies Custom Match that has been paused

- Fixed an issue where a player would be kicked

from SnD for properly configured voice settings if the controller disconnects


- Fix to 3rd person spectator showing zoomed in winner’s circle

- Add a sync intermission countdown with the host in CODCaster

- Adjustments to team colors/logos in CODCaster

- Fix for menus in CODCaster while in splitscreen

- Removing ricochet tracers for energy weapons in CWL

- Fixed a bug where changes to Team Settings in CODCaster

would be reflected in the previous game’s match summary

- Added a „Follow Drone Camera“ feature to CODCaster

where the drone will be followed when thrown by the spectated player

- Fixed a bug where the Objective Status in the Display Settings is set to „on,“ the screen would display red for allies and enemies

- Payload rate changes: Disable Payload charge over time.

Adjust Payload Score modifiers for each mode to balance Payload earn rates from score actions

- Support for MLG.tv

- 1,3 GB groß

Release: 06.12.2016 (Vom Server aus gemacht)

Quelle: play3.de

- Vorbesteller Karte "Terminal" steht nun für alle Spieler zur Verfügung

Release: 14.12.2016 (Version 1.06)

Quelle: play3.de

General Fixes

- Fixed exploits on various maps

- Adjustments to the Message Of The Day

- Fix for a bug where players would experience a crash after loading into Frontier from a custom game

- Fix for a freeze that can occur during Single Player

- Fixed a bug for camos in the Create a Class menu

- Audio adjustments in the Emblems menu

- Fix for weapon accessories not appearing on the left Akimbo weapon

- Fix for the pre-match camera causing streaming issues when loading into Throwback

- Fix for users being unable to change teams, making the player

unable to access spectate or CODCaster options in custom FFA games

- Created a fix for players not earning Keys after reaching max rank with Mission Teams

(you can earn keys with a level 50 team!)

 - Fix for an infinite loop that could occur if opening the game in an already running state

- Various visual adjustments to MP splitscreen when loading into certain maps

- Fix for the MP scoreboard briefly displaying a player’s score as the team score if the user

has their scoreboard open during a round transition

 - Allow for the rank meter animation to play again once a user confirms they would like to redeem a 2XP token

- Fixed a bug where the 3rd person player character did not face the correct way when airborne and shooting another player

 - Fixed a bug in splitscreen where neither player could view the weapon models on occasion

- Hardpoint adjustments: Throwback: Removed “Lime” Hardpoint from rotation.

Hardpoints 1-4 go in the same order: Train Platform > Barn > Bike Path > Baseball Field > repeat.

The Hardpoint for Bike Path was slightly adjusted to not allow captures while wallrunning on the side of the bridge.

- Hardpoint adjustments: Breakout: Moved Visitor Room Hardpoint on top of the Visitor building (Central Rooftop)


- Fix for a bug where if the caster rapidly changes from display to loadout settings or

vice versa using keyboard shortcuts, the previous menu would reopen

- Ability to hide team logo and team name and in the scoreboard MP HUD when toggling off Team Identity

- Fix for game rules no locking when selecting CWL rules.

- Allow for CWL rules to be edited but once an edit is made, the CWL tag will disappear

- Allow players to see the team colors of other players while in pregame lobby besides their own

- Fix for XRAY customizations not being displayed once the game loads

- Fix for a bug where that match would not end while casting Gun Game or FFA matches with custom rules set to limited lives

- Fix for Uplink goal color while in “follow drone” spectating and performance fixes for the follow drone feature

- Allow Rig draft in private match

- Fix for minimap sizes in CODCaster

- Disabled the white UAV sweep that would occur on the minimap when in CODCaster

- Fixed a bug where players are able to use Payloads/Traits with the wrong character

- Added audio timer to Draft

Release: 13.01.2017

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

General Fixes

- Slight increase in Black Hole radius

- Added the map Grounded back into rotation

- Players who deploy a Black Hole will receive assists if an enemy is killed while being pulled in

- Players receive assists if the enemy the Seeker Grenade is tracking is killed

- Increases to Micro Turret health, ammunition, and fire rate

- Infected: If a player waits to spawn in to avoid being the first Infected, they’ll be forced to Infected

- Infected: Fixed an issue where the first Infected wasn’t getting the proper score or XP for the first kill

- Infected: Kills/Deaths are no longer stored after a match so KD is not affected

- Infected: Boost jump recharge is now slower

- Gun Game: Increased the throw distance for the Bio Spike

- Gun Game: Kills/Deaths are no longer stored after a match so KD is not affected

- Fixed an issue where the player couldn’t capture the next Hardpoint if they are in a Scorestreak

- Fixed an issue where the Hardpoint was being contested but the icon was in a red capture state

- Howitzer headshots were not counting towards camo unlocks. This has been fixed

- Fix for available Payloads such as Reactive Armor requiring another score update after round switch to re-earn

- Killcams now show Traits, Tacticals, and Lethals

- Reduced recoil of the R3K when zoomed in using the VMC

- Slight increase to Quick Draw speed with snipers

- OSA Launcher: Updated inner and outer damage, and damage radius to reduce lethality in Tactical TDM

- Howitzer: slight adjustment to increase lethal radius and overall radius.

Increase projectile speed and reduced projectile up velocity to help with targeting

- Fix for the Hit ad Run Gun Perk on the Epic Kendall-44 showing as an attachment in the weapon name

- SMGs: Increased hip aim assist range to 800 inches. Increased ADS aim assist range to 1400 inches

- FHR 40 and RPR Evo: Increased ADS aim assist range to 1200 inches

- MacTav-45: Increased ADS aim assist range to 1500 inches

- Shotguns: Increased hip and ADS aim assist ranges to 600 inches matching the max damage range

 - Fix for an exploit where using the Killstreak map could be used every round as a free UAV

- Fix for the “A” bombsite on Retaliation that would cause a player to unintentionally move

when next to the bombsite

- Fix for the “Out of Bounds” that would trigger when near the theater and bowling alley on Throwback

- Updated the start spawn for Precinct Hardpoint and Uplink

- 15 spots on Rooftop near Drop Pods and Construction have been fixed in Precinct

- Scorch “B” bombsite moved to the back of the drill (from attacker side)


- Fix for an error when attempting to change team colors, name, and icon

- Removed Payload delay at the start of a round

- Active Camo duration has been reduced from 10s to 5s

- Reactive Armor duration has been reduced from 9s to 6s

- Bull Charge duration has been reduced from 6.5s to 5s

- Reactive Armor value slightly lowered

- Rewind: Only Rewinds a portion of the player’s health. Still rewinds full ammo

- Overdrive: No longer restores player health on activation

- Holding the Uplink drone or planting/defusing in CWL rulesets no longer drain your Payload

faster as the base duration times have been adjusted

- Removed Killstreak spawn protection

Release: 13.01.2017 (Hotfix)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fix for Cryo Mines not functioning properly

- Fix for some Killstreaks not damaging enemy players

Release: 28.01.2017 (Verison 1.08)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

General Fixes

- Added ability for both splitscreen players to change their own Missions in the lobby before a match starts

- Safeguard against jitter mod exploits

- Defender: Fix for exploit that could occur if a player using Rewind spawns on a newly spawned

 Defender drone, allowing the player to carry their gun as they carry the drone

- Adjusted Taunt menu to wrap to the bottom of the list

- During the final killcam, the team emblem shown was the emblem of the user who died rather

than the player who got the kill. This has been fixed.

- Hardcore Search and Destroy: Fix for “Friendly Fire is not Tolerated” displaying after every

round for the remainder of the game

- Added ability to equip Calling Card and emblem after acquiring them from a Supply Drop

- Camo challenges involving Direct Impact kills with the Howitzer were not tracking. This has been fixed.

- Various updates to weapon camos

- Fix for players SPM not being calculated correctly in some instances

- Camo adjustment for the MK2 R3k not covering the right side of the weapon

- Allow players to skip Mission Team videos even if it’s their first time seeing them

- Fix for the KBS Harbinger reload animation playing twice while holding down both triggers

- Fixed an issue where the Jammer Grenade was not damaging scorestreaks correctly

- Fixed an error a player would receive when attempting to edit a class with the OSA

- Fix for an issue where players with akimbo weapons were immune to the Steel Dragon


- Fix for team colors not appearing the proper shade

- Added CWL specific game mode icons

- Fix for Cold Blooded not affecting Thermal Scope for Casters (Xbox)

- Adjusted the position of the gamemode icon so the Uplink image does not stretch

- Removing the required number of players for CWL matches

- Allow for multiple casters in the same lobby

Release: 14.02.2017 (Verison 1.09)

Quelle: play3.de

- Lobby Party Indicator

 - Showing team balance in pre-match lobby

- Combat Record

General Fixes

- General fixes for bugs found in Leaderboards

- Drop Zone: Score limit increase from 600 to 750. Adjustments to hill rotations.

Removed high tier streaks from the first hill to prevent an unfair advantage at the beginning of the match.

All hills after the first have a chance at all streaks regardless of tier

- Infected and Gun Game: Allow for player customization. Infected will still replace Synaptics

with a random default customization. Infected now increase match timer on Survivor suicides

 - Slight decrease to the Vulture’s overall speed and acceleration. Slight decrease in damage of the Vulture’s turret

- Fixed crashes and performance issues that could occur when viewing videos in MLG.tv

- MLG.tv will now show if a livestream is a replay

- Fixed green screen that would sometimes appear when exiting the MLG.tv menu

- Fixed players knees clipping into player view if they sprinted while jumping from boost jump height

- Uplink fix where players could pass the drone through ha short wall in Terminal

- Fixed a scrolling issue while in the armory

- A player with the Tracker perk equipped was unable to hear another player boost jumping with the Dead Silence perk equipped.

This has been fixed

- Removed showing the public rank in private or system link pause menus

- Fixed Steel Dragon damaging a player with Charge Shield

- Fixed a bug where incorrect information about a player could be displayed in the MP lobby

- Fixed damage feedback icon for not displaying the first time in a round


- Fixes for players losing their weapons when Pack-a-Punching (ZiS)

- Several out of map exploits fixed (Rave)

- Fix for being able to replenish ammo after putting the harpoon back in the cabinet and picking it up back up

- Fix for random dancing zombies that could remain after the music has stopped

- Fix for various zip line bugs that could occur

- Fix for a bug where splitscreen players didn’t have access to options in several menus

 - Other miscellaneous bug fixes


- Added an option for players to select how much time they’ll allow

for players to edit their loadouts in Rig draft from 0-75 seconds

- Fix for yellow loading icons appearing during CODCaster mode

- Players were able to start a CWL match with 5 players on a team, but only showing 4 on the draft screen.

This has been fixed to only allow 4 players maximum while allowing 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4

- Fix for a bug where a player would see incorrect text when hovering over a Rig that another player has already selected

- If a player changes their Rig after selecting their Payloads, the CODCaster

would only see the updated Rig, not the updated Payloads. This has been fixed

 - Fix for teams appearing on the wrong side of the loading screen if teams were unbalanced

Release: 01.03.2017 (Version 1.10)

Quelle: play3.de | play3.de

- Show the last weapon used in Winner’s Circle instead of Payload

- 360 Rig Rotation in customization menu

- New weapons added to the Quartermaster

- Use of four Taunts instead of just one

- Simultaneous Deaths/Kills: This allows players to kill one another with ballistic and energy weapons at the same time.

For example, if two players with low health fire at the exact same time, both players will die.

The same would apply if two snipers headshot each other at the same time.

- Simultaneous Deaths/Kills: When this occurs, you’ll not only see it happen in the bottom left obituary,

but you’ll also get a Medal called “Trade”.

This is called “Kill Trade” in the options menu and will be defaulted to OFF in Custom and LAN.

You can turn it on under the “Game” tab in CODCaster

General Fixes

- Fix for late players being shown as in a party even though they aren’t

- In FFA style modes, players would appear on colored teams in the lobby. This has been fixed

- Fix for various bugs that can occur after a host migration

- Fix for players appearing in 1st place despite losing in a FFA match against bots

- Bug fixes in the After Action Report Medals tab

- Fix for the weapon indicator at the bottom of the screen showing the wrong weapon after respawning in HC SnD

- On occasion, the scoreboard would briefly display a player’s score as

the team score if the player had their scoreboard open during a round transition. This has been fixed

- Backend bug fixes

- Grind score limit is now 65 (was 85)

- Friendly Fire will now be disabled in Competitive playlists

Rave in the Redwoods

- Fixed a bug where mission rewards could show up incorrectly in the zombies menu

- Fix for a bug that would remove the icon a player had crafted if a host migration occurs

- Added 200 ranks and 10 new rank icons

- Added the R-VN and UDM to be unlockable for use via the Magic Wheel

- 3,05 GB groß

Release: 14.03.2017

Quelle: play3.de | play3.de | callofduty.com

- Emblem Editior wird eingebaut

- Master Prestige Ranks

- 20 additional Prestige Ranks

- Each new Prestige Rank grants permanent bonuses. Bonuses include:

Extra XP from challenges (including Camo challenges)

Ability for Classic weapons to earn De-Atomizer Strikes

Extra starting ammo for Classic weapons

Additional XP for using MKII weapons

New Rank Icons, Emblems, and Permanent Unlock Tokens


- Fix to enemy names not always appearing on-screen during Killcam

- Audio fixes for Intel Logs in Campaign

- Fixes to party indicators not appearing properly

- Audio fixes for MP and Zombies when having two profiles logged in on PS4

- Gun Perk: Readiness – now reloads faster when mag is low instead of when mag is empty

- Fix for the Weapon Level Up indicator not displaying properly mid-match

- Camo adjustments for the Hailstorm

- Fix for the Axe not appearing properly in the player’s hands when using the Synaptic’s Rushdown Trait

- Fix for the Synaptic using a different gesture instead of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” when viewing in 3rd person Various map fixes

- Fix for an issue where trophy systems could deflect a passed Uplink or Defender drone

- Fixed an issue where enemy scorestreak callouts would not play in FFA

- Fix for a bug where the Rigs would be facing the wrong direction in the Winner’s Circle

- 2,88 GB groß

Release: 28.03.2017 (Version 1.12)

Quelle: play3.de

Featured Content and What’s New

- VOICE Packs – UK Special Forces, Method Man

- Weapon additions: VPR and X-Eon

General Fixes

- Fix for game mode names appearing incorrectly in Moshpit

- Various leaderboard fixes

- Infected Knife Updates: Less lunge range and width.

Players have to be a little more accurate when going to melee a target

- Fix for a player’s Rig not holding a weapon after a playing a match and returning to the next pre-game lobby

3,10 GB groß

Release: 11.04.2017 (Version 1.13)

Quelle: play3.de

Featured Content and What’s New

- Double XP Tokens available in the Quartermaster (use a 2XP token to double the XP of your previous match)

General Fixes

- The KBS-Longbow and TF-141 inflict different amounts of damage,

which is inconsistent when comparing the weapon damage stats for both weapons. This has been fixed

- Fix for kills made with an energy weapon and fusion mag were not tracking for the Extended Mags prestige challenge

- Fixed an issue with tacking kills for the Blood Anvil “Ace” Mission

- Fix for the ‘Time Played’ column in the Combat Record barracks not displaying the unit of time

- Carpet Bomb challenge previously only tracked kills done by Scorchers.

Progress may now also be obtained by using: Trinity Rockets, Bombardment, Warden, T.H.O.R, and AP-3X

- Fix for the countdown timer not appearing while in control of the RC-8 in Cranked

- Various map fixes

- Adjustments to Active Camo visibility: Active Camo will now be slightly more visible, mainly while in motion

- Fix for an issue where players entering an Infected match as a Synaptic so they don’t look like regular infected

- Fix for yellow loading icon appearing in Search and Destroy while CODCasting

- When firing from the hip with the VPR, the reticle would not appear red when close to an enemy.

This has been fixed

Shockwave Updates:

- Increased non-lethal damage

- Slightly increased non-lethal radius of Shockwaves performed from low and moderate heights

- Slightly increased lethal radius of Shockwaves performed from moderate heights

- Greatly increased lethal radius of Shockwaves performed from great heights

- Slide adjustments: Slightly reduced maximum initial slide velocity

- Adjusted Search and Destroys spawns on Retaliation when defending.

Defender spawns were moved forward to facilitate faster times to the bomb sites

Release: 18.04.2017

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

General Fixes

- Various map fixes

- Slide challenges: added a grace period to make slide medals and challenges easier to get

- Fix for a bug where enabling and disabling Hardcore Mode would not correctly keep Respawn Delay values in sync for the mode

- Fix for the player being damaged by their own Shockwave while using Reactive Armor

- Disabling Gestures while in Phase Shift

VPR adjustments

- Recoil and gun kick provide a little more consistency

- Damage adjustments

- Fixed a bug that would double up on hit markers

- Increased clip/stock size

- Decreased reload times

CWL adjustments

- Removed grace period times for Overdrive and Active Camo.

This means you will no longer be refunded the Payload even if killed just after activating the Payload

- Lowered score requirements for all Payload weapons except Claw to make them more viable for use

- Banning silencers for all weapons

Release: 20.04.2017 (Version 1.14)

Quelle: play3.de

- Dieses soll dafür dienen einige Backend-Probleme zu lösen

- 180 MB groß

Release: 02.05.2017 (Version 1.15)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamenewz.de

- Im Multiplayer könnt ihr folgende Waffen freischalten:

das Sturmgewehr BOS14

das SMG Fang 45

die Handfeuerwaffe Prokolot.

General Fixes

- Increasing the audio range of the Micro Turret and Shock Sentry

- Rig ability Killjoys now allow both ability Payloads to count towards progress

- Updated Trinity Rocket to prevent the lock-on missiles from aggressively tracking targets

when they should have hit the ground

- Fix for some players being unable to perform

Taunts in the Winner’s Circle in both Public and Custom matches

- Fix for some players being unable to equip a custom emblem after switching from a previously made emblem

- Fix for some players encountering an issue where renaming an emblem could possibly delete it

- Fix for animated weapon camos

- Various map fixes

- Assists score is now doubled if the player did a majority of the damage to the victim


- Removed secondary knife from R3K and FHR loadouts as your melee is always an OHK

- OSA replaces the M1 and Hailstorm loadout

- OSA can now be selected in custom matches


- Improved passing behavior for the drone

- Fixed an issue where throwing the drone at a scorestreak would apply 1 damage


- Fix for the player arrows on the minimap only displaying the direction of the spectated player

- Adjusted the team colors to be a bit more visible on the minimap

- Added a ‘Contested’ icon when a defending and attacking

both jump into the goal to better message when carry scores are blocked

Shaolin Shuffle

- Removed the Heart cooldown

- Miscellaneous bug fixes

Release: 24.05.2017 (Version 1.16)

Quelle: gamepro.de


- Ken Jeong Voice Over Pack

- CWL Personalization Pack - COD Champs

Allgemeine Fixes

- Updated the Blind Eye perk challenge from "scorestreaks" to "weapon systems" as

we have now made this challenge possible by killing micro turrets

- Gestures: all cosmetic gestures can now be performed while sprinting

- Adjusted the Blackout Grenade to bring its power level and overall consistency closer to that of the Jammer Grenade

- Gameplay audio for Defender and Uplink will occur in the Winner's Circle,

interrupting the Announcer's End Game win/loss VO lines. This has been fixed

- Fix for the Calling Card notification not disappearing after highlighting or equipping the GameBattles calling card

- In splitscreen, captured Hardpoint colors would not show different colors

with players on different teams. This has been fixed

- After entering a prestige, the After Action Report for completing a match

would display placeholder images and text for calling cards. This has been fixed

- Fix for players being stuck on the "Purchasing Supply Drop" screen if they repurchase another

drop while the loot ceremony screen is running in the background

- Fix for some calling cards not being displayed in the preview pane on the right

- Fix for the VO line "Last Alive" not playing for the second team with one player left in SnR and SnD modes

- Fix for users unable to use the "Change-Up" passive for the legendary T.H.O.R. - Nimbus

when using button layouts that use the "toggle aim down sight" setting


- Fix for the CODCaster not displaying the proper team color on the objective icons

Release: 31.05.2017 (Version 1.17)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

General Fixes

- T.H.O.R.: Thunderclap adjustments: Narrowed the area at which each missile can automatically acquire a target.

The target will need to be within the reticle for the missile to automatically seek the enemy out.

- Added counters to scorestreaks that fire tracking missiles. If the player is in Phase Shift,

using Active Camo, or has Hardwired, these missiles will not track them.

This pertains to all versions of the Trinity Rocket (except Warhead variant),

AP-3X: Lockdown, T.H.O.R.: Thunderclap, and Shock Sentry: Catacomb missiles.

Weapon Updates

- Auger / Fury: Spread now becomes increasingly tighter the longer you fire

- Volk: Side to side recoil has been toned down slightly

- RVN: Ranges have been slightly reduced, but fire time between bullets has been reduced as well

- VPR: brought the shortest damage range in slightly

- Trencher: Bumped some aim down sight sway values back towards SMG characteristics.

Still should feel closer to ARs in this regard however

- Titan: Adjusted the FOV on the Epic Scout’s default sight to provide a larger view and enhanced default zoom

- HVR Gemini: Hip fire accuracy improved slightly

- Various map fixes

- Prep for upcoming weekly featured mode: R&R Moshpit (Search and Rescue/Reinforce)

Release: 25.07.2017 (Version 1.18)

Quelle: play3.de

What’s New

- New Weapons: Stallion .44 (pistol) and G-Rail (AR)

- New Calling Cards, Camos, Weapon Accessories, and Gestures

General Fixes

- Fix for the Proteus and ERAD shotgun alternates not tracking towards contract challenges

- Fixed a bug on all hybrid sights on SMGs losing hip fire reticles

when switching between hybrid sight modes

- Allow players to gain access to the M.2187 and Proteus summer variants

via supply drop and allow for that variant to unlock the base weapon

- Fix for scrolling issues while in the Mark II Collection menu of the Quartermaster

- Fix for a bug that would cause the screen resolutions on PC to not refresh when resizing the game window

- Fixed a bug where calling cards earned in SP would appear in the After Action Report in MP with placeholder images