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Borderlands 2 Patch Details (7)
Release: 09.10.2012
Quelle: support.gearboxsoftware.com
- Fixed an issue where a mission's level would sometimes reset to a lower level when loading a saved game.
- Fixed an issue with stacking skill icons not correctly refreshing in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where a client would sometimes hear a high-pitched distorted sound when respawning in a 4-player game.
- Fixed the player sometimes getting stuck on a long loading screen or infinite black screen when trying to travel quickly after entering some areas.
- Fixed red loot chests only spawning certain types of items.
- Corrected spawn rate of Michael Mamaril in Sanctuary.
- Fixed a bug where clients would occasionally crash when trying to join a server.
- Fixed controller vibration sometimes persisting indefinitely in splitscreen games.
Release: 17.10.2012
Quelle: gamezone.de | xbox-newz.de | Gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de | xbox-newz.de | gamezone.de | gamezone.de | gearboxsoftware.com
- Fixed player first-person arms appearing too far up or down the screen when in horizontal/vertical split mode.
- Fixed players losing ammo when reloading a savegame with max ammo and a stockpile relic equipped.
- Fixed the vendor UI sometimes showing a count of 1 less item in the player's backpack than is actually there.
- Fixed fast travel stations from downloadable content sometimes disappearing when loading a saved game.
- Fixed players getting stuck in a white box when two people try to travel at once and one is in a vehicle.
- Allowed players to trade with each other when at maximum backpack capacity if they're trading the same number of items with each other.
- Fixed clients sometimes losing access to fast travel stations unlocked during co-op progression.
- Fixed the favorite/trash icons on inventory items sometimes disappearing when scrolling the inventory list.
- Added safeguards against the game getting stuck on a 'Saving...' prompt when a client with a splitscreen player saves and quits the game under specific rare circumstances.
- Fixed the "has abandoned your struggle!" message sometimes appearing with no player name.
- Fixed mini-map fog-of-war sometimes not uncovering correctly when first loading a saved game as a client.
- Fixed co-op players sometimes spawning at different places after a level transition.
- Fixed an error that could sometimes occur when trying to join a game where the host had recently returned from a downloadable content area.
- Fixed an error where clients would sometimes see certain weapons firing in incorrect directions.
- Fixed a blocker in the "Do No Harm" mission and repaired users already affected by the bug.
- Fixed an issue with savegames sometimes causing the game to stutter / freeze and repaired saves already affected by the bug.
- Made the user's inventory not jump to the top of the list when using a customization item.
- Fixed a bug with shields that reduce the player's maximum health not displaying the amount of health reduced on the item card.
- Fixed a bug where some challenges would sometimes re-complete levels 1 through 5 over and over again, granting the user additional ranks and tokens.
- Enemies affected by a Siren's Thoughtlock ability may now be damaged by other players.
- Fixed an issue where players could sometimes lose their third and fourth weapon slots. Characters who have already lost these slots will be repaired the next time they are loaded.
- Fixed an issue where players were sometimes unable to pick items up after another player had bulk-picked-up a nearby item.
- Fixed occasionally skipping players being added to the "players met" list.
- Fixed network settings staying in LAN mode when reconnecting to PSN after signing out while the game was in an online mode.
- Fixed the Taiwanese currency not displaying correctly in the in-game marketplace.
Release: 13.12.2012
Quelle: xboxynasty.de | gamepro.de | GameRadio.de | gearboxsoftware.com | gamezone.de
- Problem mit dem Bad-Ass-Rang-Token wird gelösst
- Goldene Schlüssel werden alle wieder hinzugefügt
- Skin-Freischaltung werden wieder zurück gesetzt so dass nach dem letzten Update wieder alle da sind
- Modified profile behavior to better protect Badass Rank and related data.
- Added functionality to detect and restore Badass Rank in the event it was lost. To ensure you are credited for as much progress as possible,
please load your character, select "Continue" on the Main Menu, and then "Save and Quit" after you enter the world.
Repeat this process for each character in your character list.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to sometimes crash or freeze after killing Master Gee in the Captain Scarlett DLC.
- Added a confirmation dialog when opening the Golden Chest in Sanctuary.
- Fixed a bug causing players to sometimes get stuck zoomed in when in "Fight For Your Life" mode.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause skill points to be reset when loading a character.
- Fixed a bug that could cause weapons to not stop firing when the "Gunzerking Autoswitch" option was enabled.
- Fixed the Mechromancer's Anarchy skill sometimes losing stacks incorrectly for multiplayer clients.
- Fixed some cases where enemies were getting stuck and unable to move.
- “Inverted reverse steering" option now works correctly for clients in a multiplayer game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the trade icon to get stuck on the screen.
- Fixed a bug where a splitscreen player would sometimes not receive the appropriate default weapon when creating a new character.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the message "processing vehicle change request" to get stuck on the screen.
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally be unable to connect to one another if one of them had recently been in DLC that the other doesn't have.
- Added an informational dialog explaining that profile-wide settings won't be saved when splitscreen players choose the same system user as the primary player.
- Amplify damage from Amplify Shields is now divided among all projectiles fired from a single shot.
- Balance adjustments to "The Bee": Increased Recharge Delay, Significantly increased Recharge Rate, Reduced Amplify damage,
Additional miscellaneous balance tweaks. | Additional miscellaneous balance tweaks.
- Added "(undiscovered)" entries to the challenge log for challenges that the player has not yet found.
- Fixed challenges showing inaccurate completion amounts for area-specific challenges.
- Players can now reset all challenge progress for a character once they've completed 85% of all non-DLC, non-area-specific challenge levels.
This will keep the player's current challenge bonuses and rank, but reset all challenge progress to 0 and allow challenges to be re-completed for additional ranks and bonuses.
This option will appear as a tooltip at the bottom of the “challenges” screen within the status menu if the player has met the criteria.
Release: 02.04.2013
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- DLC Vorbereitung für den 6. Charakter "Krieger" der kostet 800 MS Punkte
- Adds new items to the Black Market:
- One additional ammo upgrade for each ammo type, at 50 Eridium each.
- Two more backpack storage space upgrades, at 50 and 100 Eridium respectively.
- Two more bank storage space upgrades, at 50 and 100 Eridium respectively.
- Increases the maximum amount of Eridium players can hold from 99 to 500.
- Adds a new playthrough balanced for top-tier play: Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.
- Fixed a bug where profiles would refuse to save when they were already corrupted on startup.
- Fixed a bug where profile restoration code would sometimes trigger inappropriately.
- Deathtrap can no longer restore an enemy's shields, even though it was hilarious.
- Fixed a bug that could cause hosts to become invulnerable if they were being revived by a client who disconnected mid-revive.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash or freeze when fighting BNK-3R.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Deathtrap's Robot Rampage audio to not stop playing after killing an enemy until Deathtrap despawned.
- Fixed a bug that could stop the Gunzerker's Keep It Piping Hot skill from functioning as intended.
- Covered an area of the world near Claptrap's ship where the player could fall in and be unable to get out.
- Fixed an issue where a Siren could revive a player and make another player invulnerable under specific circumstances.
- Addressed instances of audio distortion tied to Axton's turret and kill skills.
- (Mr. Torgue DLC) Critical hits against Midgets now register properly.
- (Mr. Torgue DLC) Rat Thief enemies are no longer allowed in Pete's Bar due to patron concerns regarding excessive theft.
- (Captain Scarlett DLC) Fixed an issue with the "Shady Dealings" challenge where a purchase could sometimes not count toward its completion.
- (Sir Hammerlock DLC) Fixed a bug that could cause networking issues when players are killed by being run over by fanboats.
- Fixed a bug that caused some visual effects to appear to be lower fidelity than intended
- Fixed an issue where players could be unable to interact with the menu when a mission that granted experience
but not items was completed and not handled by the player before saving and quitting.
- Fixed an issue where players could cause the round to not fail in a Slaughter mission if a surviving player disconnects while all others are out.
- Fixed issues with the following missions that could cause players to get stuck or not be able to complete them:
- mFixed a bug where players were able to do far more damage than intended by exploiting a buff from the Evil Smasher.
- Clients are now able to see explosions caused by Norfleets in multiplayer.
- Fixed an issue causing Relics to sometimes not show the Favorite indicator.
- Fixed an issue that caused E-tech weapons to not be able to hit the Mechromancer's 'One Two Boom' orb.
- Seraph Gear from Captain Scarlett and Mr. Torgue DLC re-balanced to be more powerful.
- Fixed class mods that increase the skill grade of Axton's Metal Storm, Onslaught and Quick Charge skills to function as intended.
- Fixed an exploit involving Vladof rocket launchers that could result in having infinite ammo for any weapon.
- Fixed an issue where weapon cards would sometimes not display how many bullets they consumed per shot.
- Mechromancer's Prodigy class mod now correctly increases reload speed.
- Fixed an issue causing impact sounds from users with The Bee shield to not be audible on clients.
- Adjusted Mechromancer's Sweetheart class mod to correctly increase team health.
- Assassin's "Slayer of Terramorphous" class mod no longer includes Gunzerker skill bonus.
- (Mr. Torgue DLC) Torgue vending machines can now stock legendary weapons above level 48.
- Chere-amie sniper rifle and transfusion grenades no longer cause audio distortion.
- Assigned price to Anshin 'Evolution' shield so that players can sell it for money if desired.
- Fixed a bug causing head customizations from the Mr. Torgue DLC to not unlock properly for Sirens and Mechromancers.
- Fixed a bug that caused off-hand weapons to sometimes deal improper damage while Gunzerking.
- Addressed an issue where shotguns did not receive full damage boosts from skills and gear.
- Fixed a bug which could cause a player to lose inventory when swapping items with a full bank or stash while having a full inventory.
- Fixed a bug where players were able to do far more damage than intended by exploiting a buff from the Evil Smasher.
- Clients are now able to see explosions caused by Norfleets in multiplayer.
- Fixed an issue causing Relics to sometimes not show the Favorite indicator.
- Fixed an issue that caused E-tech weapons to not be able to hit the Mechromancer's 'One Two Boom' orb.
- Seraph Gear from Captain Scarlett and Mr. Torgue DLC re-balanced to be more powerful.
- Fixed class mods that increase the skill grade of Axton's Metal Storm, Onslaught and Quick Charge skills to function as intended.
- Fixed an exploit involving Vladof rocket launchers that could result in having infinite ammo for any weapon.
- Fixed an issue where weapon cards would sometimes not display how many bullets they consumed per shot.
- Mechromancer's Prodigy class mod now correctly increases reload speed.
- Fixed an issue causing impact sounds from users with The Bee shield to not be audible on clients.
- Adjusted Mechromancer's Sweetheart class mod to correctly increase team health.
- Assassin's "Slayer of Terramorphous" class mod no longer includes Gunzerker skill bonus.
- (Mr. Torgue DLC) Torgue vending machines can now stock legendary weapons above level 48.
- Chere-amie sniper rifle and transfusion grenades no longer cause audio distortion.
- Assigned price to Anshin 'Evolution' shield so that players can sell it for money if desired.
- Fixed a bug causing head customizations from the Mr. Torgue DLC to not unlock properly for Sirens and Mechromancers.
- Fixed a bug that caused off-hand weapons to sometimes deal improper damage while Gunzerking.
- Addressed an issue where shotguns did not receive full damage boosts from skills and gear.
- Fixed a bug which could cause a player to lose inventory when swapping items with a full bank or stash while having a full inventory.
- Level Cap um 11 Level wird eingebaut!
Season Pass Besitzer umsonst für alle anderen 400 MS Punkte
- Neue Schwierigkeitsstufe Ultimativer Wahrer Abenteuer
Release: 18.04.2013
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | support.gearboxsoftware.com
- Added support and compatibility for upcoming content, including character customizations unlocked by playing Poker Night 2.
- Fixed an issue where bank and stash capacity could be exceeded. This change prevents additional items from
being added to stash / bank until capacity is below the maximum -- it does not forcibly remove or delete any items.
- Added a preview of available premium customizations when using a customization station so that players
can see what a purchased head or skin would look like before buying.
- Fixed an exploit where players could become invincible occasionally through the Siren's Res skill.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from choosing a new customization from SHiFT when creating a character immediately after redeeming a customization code.
- Fixed an exploit that could allow players to access unlicensed content.
- Fixed an issue causing non-English languages to display English names for premium customizations.
- Fixed issues with the following missions that could cause players to get stuck or not be able to complete them:
Bad Hair Day & Best Minion Ever
- Fixed a bug that could cause the "Wildlife Preservation" mission boss to sometimes continue fighting after the encounter in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.
- (Captain Scarlett DLC) Fixed an issue that could cause Scarlett to not drop Scarlett's Greed in the fight with Roscoe.
- Fixed a bug that caused the player's grenade count to not be saved properly if they were using a Grenadier class mod.
- Fixed a bug causing Seraph items of the day to incorrectly be capped at level 55.
- Rebalanced the Gunzerker's Titan class mod to be more in line other Gunzerker class mods.
- Fixed an issue where the Evolution shield could incorrectly list a Recharge Delay of 0.00 seconds.
- Fixed audio from Impact shields not playing when connected to another player.
- Fixed an issue causing audio distortion in some cases when a transfusion projectile got stuck inside an object.
Release: 03.07.2013
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Increased stability of long play sessions.
- Added the ability to preview and purchase add-on characters from the 'New Game' character selection screen and
when joining another player's game and choosing your character.
- Added un-purchased campaign add-ons to the Fast Travel station list to streamline the ability to purchase the new content.
These locations appear with an asterisk next to their names.
Release: 06.02.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | playstationfront.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Added an “Expansion” sort option to the mission log, which allows you to sort missions by the DLC that contains them.
- Added a ColorBlind mode (the option can be found in Main Menu > Options > Video).
- Addressed an issue when scrolling through player inventory in vending machines before it finishes loading.
- Addressed an issue where Golden Keys would reset to zero if the user attempted to redeem more than 255.
- Addressed an issue with The Bee shield applying incorrect damage when using explosive weapons.
- Addressed an issue where clients would be unable to pick up some items.
- Addressed an issue where enemies could be healed by rockets if they were near a Siren using Restoration.
- Addressed an issue where Deathmark and Thoughtlock FX would display incorrectly on some enemies.
- Addressed an issue where Zer0’s “Execute” skill will flash on screen when entering Deception without having Execute trained.
- Addressed an issue where Zer0’s Deception HUD would occasionally persist after Deception had ended.
- Addressed an issue where the camera could sometimes become stuck in a third-person view when entering a vehicle.
- Addressed an issue where Gaige failed to emote when summoning DeathTrap.
- Addressed an issue where Gaige’s “One Two Boom” orb could not be exploded by E-Tech weapons.
- Addressed an issue where Raving Retribution projectiles would sometimes cause damage to Krieg.
Flame Flare made this issue more likely to occur.
- Addressed an issue where Buzzaxe Rampage would not reset from Release the Beast during fast travel.
- (Bloody Harvest DLC) Addressed an issue where projectiles would pass through Pumpling’s head without causing damage.
- (Bloody Harvest DLC) Addressed an issue which caused Sully the Blacksmith to only throw hammers and not use his other attacks.
- (Mr. Torgue/ Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 DLC) Addressed an issue
where an overpowered Hoplite shield would drop player health to zero.
- (Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 1 DLC) Addressed an issue where the Butcher shotgun reload would go out of sync for clients.
- (Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 DLC) Addressed the opening which
allowed players to grenade jump over the walls in Digistruct Peak.
- (Tiny Tina DLC) Addressed a minor texture issue on Salvador’s Dragon Keep skin.
- Permanent Hot Fixes:
- Addressed an issue where the Psycho’s Blood Blister class mod modified the Boiling Blood skill, instead of Blood Bath.
- Mercenary Day DLC) Addressed an issue where Timothy would fail to emote on clients.
- (Tiny Tina DLC) Added Dragon Keep head customizations to Dice chests.
- Made Loot Hunt item changes permanent.
Increased Explosion Size for Flakker
Increased Damage and Grenade Explosion Size for Kerblaster
Increased Explosion Size for Cobra
Increased Explosion Size for Boom Puppy
Increased Damage, Explosion Size, and Control for Sky Rocket
Vladof Rocket Launchers have increased Damage and Faster Reloads
Dahl SMGs have increased Stability
Increased number of shots fired for Boneshredder
Bandit SMGs have increased Magazine Size and Damage
Increased Number and Damage of Bunny Bombs for Bunny
Increased Damage and Radius of Secondary Explosions for Logan's Gun
Increased Explosive Power at Bite for The Teeth of Terramorphous
Increased Damage and Baby Gun Power for Baby Maker
Secret Bonus for Morningstar Upgraded
Increased effectiveness of Twister
Bandit Assault rifles have increased Clip Size
Tediore pistols have increased Magazine Size
Increased Critical Damage for Lady Fist
Maliwan Rocket Launchers have increased Reload Speed and Status Effect Chance
Increased Damage and Explosive Radius for Landscaper
Increased Magazine Size, Damage, and Reduced Self Damage for Gunerang
Increased Damage for Octo
Increased Damage and Projectile Radius for Fastball
Increased Damage and Ricochets for Tidal Wave
Hyperion pistols have increased Magazine Size and Accuracy Recovery
Increased Damage for Madhous
Increased Skill Recharge Time and Damage for Little Evie
Increased Damage and Accuracy for Veruc
Increased Damage and Magazine Size for Gub
Bandit pistols have increased Magazine Size
Increased Damage and higher Elemental Effect Chance for Longbow
Increased Accuracy and Critical Hit Bonus for Fremington's Edge
Increased Damage and Magazine Size for The Emperor
Bandit shotguns have a Faster Reload and an additional shot in the Magazine
Increased Explosion Size and an Extra Shot in Burst Fire for the Hornet
Dahl pistols have increased Stability and larger Magazine
Release: 20.05.2014
Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de
- Spielstände können auf die PSVita Version übernommen werden