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Apx Legends Patch Details (42)
Release: 08.02.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de
- Allgemeinen Performance von „Apex Legends“ nach und reduzierten zudem die vereinzelten Verbindungsabbrüche, mit denen Spieler zu kämpfen hatten.
- Darüber hinaus wurden auch diverse Fehler aus der Welt geschafft.
- 43,92 MB groß
Release: 13.02.2019 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Außerdem könnt ihr euch das „Live Die Live“ Banner-Abzeichen verdienen, in dem ihr bis zum 19. Februar ein Teammitglied wiederbelebt.
- 1,20 GB groß
Release: 19.02.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Fixes for PS4 crash issues.
Addresses issues we saw with GPU hangs.
- Fixed crash when pressing button early in load process.
- Fixed issue where players would sometimes move slowly after revive.
- Fixed issue with Mirage Ability causing crashes.
- Fixed issue with Gibraltar Epic skins on Xbox One causing crashes
- 817,55 MB groß
Release: 07.03.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de
Balacing Wingman
Die Feuerrate wurde von 3,1 auf 2,6 Schüsse pro Sekunde reduziert.
Gleichzeitig hat man auch den Headshot Multiplikator von 2,5 auf 2,25 gesenkt.
- Auch Peacekeeper wurde zumindest in Sachen Nachladefähigkeit abgeschwächt.
- Verbindungsunterbrechungen bei Entfernung von Waffenzusätzen sollten nicht mehr auftreten.
- Auch Verbindungsabbrüche beim Betreten des Spectate-Mode dürften der Vergangenheit angehören.
Release: 19.03.2019 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | play3.de | gamezone.de
- Season 1 startet und ab sofort kann ein Battle Pass kostenpflichtig (950 Apex Münzen) erworben werden
- Auch ohne Battle Pass kann man weitere kosmetische Inhalte freischalten
- Probleme mit der Hitbox von der Klasse Pathfinder, Gibraltar, Caustic werden gelöst
Wenn sich diese Anpassungen als unzureichend erweisen, werden wir in der Season 1 zusätzliche Anpassungen in Betracht ziehen
- Neuer Held "Octaine" wird zum freischalten hinzugefügt
- Das Wackeln des Bildschirms beim Laufen lässt sich deaktivieren, um Motion Sickness zu vermeiden.
- Mit den "Trigger Deadzones" kann man festlegen, wie weit eine Taste gedrückt werden muss, bis sie reagiert.
- Pathfinder kann sich mit seinem Greifhaken jetzt auch direkt mit einer Zipline verbinden.
- 5,39 GB groß
Release: 25.03.2019 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de
- 192,20 MB groß
Release: 04.04.2019 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de
- 1,02 GB groß
Release: 16.04.2019 (Version
Quelle: reddit.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Fortified Passive Perk added: reduces damage taken by 10%
- Gas Damage per tick increased: 1 -> 4
- Ultimate Throw distance increased: 28 meters -> 33 meters
- Fortified Passive Perk added: reduces damage taken by 10%
- Gun Shield health increased: 50 -> 75
- 277,13 MB groß
Release: 20.05.2019 (Version
Quelle: reddit.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- 1,02 GB groß
Release: 04.06.2019 (Version
Quelle: ea.com | patchnotes=reddit.com
- Battle Pass-Bonus-EP: Wenn ihr in einem beliebigem Spiel in den Top 5 landet, erhaltet ihr eine ganze Battle Pass-Stufe (einmal pro Tag).
- Messt euch in der Apex-Elite-Warteschlange mit den Besten.
Wenn ihr es in einem beliebigen Spiel in die Top 5 schafft, erhaltet ihr einen Platz in einer besonderen Warteschlange mit anderen Top 5-Gewinnern.
- Der Haken dabei ist: Um weiterhin in dieser Warteschlange zu spielen, müsst ihr euch kontinuierlich in den Top 5 platzieren.
Bug Fixes / Quality of Life Updates
- Decreased the delay with items showing up in the menu when looting a Death Box.
- Mini Map direction will now display correctly while in the ship or skydiving.
- Improved server performance for some cases of rubberbanding when using items.
- Removed an exploit that allowed a squad to have more than one of the same Legend.
- Removed an exploit that allowed to "bunny hop" while healing.
- Fixed issue where players might “bounce” off your squad when breaking off during a skydive.
- Improved skydiving so it should feel more responsive and smooth.
- Thermite grenades now cause damage to doors.
- Squad Summary Page Improvements
cursor support added.
players can now mute / report players from this page.
players can now report teammates that have disconnected.
- Caustic barrels can now be triggered or disabled by friendly teammates.
- Added cooldown [.5 seconds] before you can reuse the last zipline you were on.
- Pathfinder’s Grapple now has a blue crosshair indicator that will appear when the Grapple is in range of objects it can connect to.
- When grappling a zipline, the trajectory will now pull players to a point below the zipline rather than above.
This makes it so players are more likely to connect with the zipline instead of flying over it.
- Made improvements to how weapon reticles and optics are displayed when playing with colorblind settings.
- Added colorblind support for threat vision scope and Bloodhound’s Ultimate.
- Removed the ability for players to change game settings not intended to be modified on a client level.
Our intent is to prevent exploits like removing muzzle flash, disabling lighting, and other changes that give players an unfair competitive advantage.
- We've reverted the behavior of "Holster Weapons" so pressing that button while your melee weapon is out will no longer bring out your last primary weapon.
- Added ability to fully customize button layout for controllers.
- Added localized voice overs for all Legends that now supports:
- Fixed an issue where a player is unable to change their Party Privacy option.
- Fixed the extra sway from the G7 crosshair while moving.
- Fixed bug where cloaked Mirage was too noticeable.
- Fixed a rare issue with using consumables while having a Caustic gas canister out.
- Fixed an issue where shield cells and shield batteries would sometimes appear to be permanently stuck to the player.
- Improved framerate when Sun shadow coverage is set High in Video options.
- Fixed issue with the Long Distance Kill Badge not displaying the correct max distance.
- Fixed issue with bad framerate when using Bloodhound’s Ultimate.
- ixed players being crushed by opening or closing doors when climbing onto a roof just above the door.
- Fixed a crash related to model code.
- Fixed issue where player would crawl very fast in place.
- Fixed some rare cases of players getting stuck in geometry.
- Fixed issue where Octane’s Stim trail would still linger after death.
- Fixed cases where melee lunges could stop too far from their intended target.
- Fixed issue with players not receiving any XP for anything after a match and the Champion Bonus showing as -1XP.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the audio and visual effects would not play when a weapon fires.
- Lots of minor fixes and polish to game stability and performance.
- 5,36 GB groß
Release: 11.06.2019 (Version
Quelle: patchnotes=reddit.com | xboxdynasty.de
Erste Strafe ist eine 5 Minuten sperre daanch 10 Minuten sperre usw.
- 1,32 GB groß
Release: 02.07.2019 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | play3.de
- Season 2 startet und ab sofort kann ein Battle Pass (950 Apex Münzen) kostenpflichtig erworben werden
Nun gibt es mehr Crafting Materialien und die Battle Pass Stufen werden schneller erreicht
- Neuer Legend: Wattson als neue Supporter kann Zäune aufbauen
- Neue Waffe: L-Star als Maschinengewehr welche nur in Vorräten gefunden werden
- Ranked Matches: neue Spieleliste mit 6 Tier Stufen ähnlich wie in Fortnite Liga
- Mehr XP durch tägliche und wöchentliche Aufgaben
- Wahl der Synchronstimmen nun möglich
- Auch wir das Waffen Balancing angepasst
folgende Fehler werden behoben
- Mirage-Klones tauchen direkt hinter dem Spieler auf und sterben sofort.
- Bei Octanes Jump Pad gibt es Soundfehler und es kommt zu verstärkten Lags, Matchmaking- und Server-Problemen
- Schließlich verletzt das Gas von Caustic Spieler durch Wände, während er endlos viele Gasfallen platzieren kann
- Durch das jüngste Update wurde Mirage gebufft: Wenn er seinen Ultimate auslöst ist er jetzt für einige Sekunden komplett unsichtbar.
Bislang konnte man ihn noch schemenhaft erkennen.
- 27,52 GB groß
Release: 08.07.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Release: 11.07.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: play3.de
Release: 16.07.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem Lifelines D.O.C.s Schock-Finisher-Vorschauvideo nicht abgespielt wurde, wenn man es aus dem Menü anschaut.
- Es wurde ein Problem mit dem Textüberfluss auf der Statistikseite behoben.
- Es wurden einige Fälle an Abstürzen behoben, die mit der Spiellogik, dem Client und Scriptfehlern zusammenhingen.
- Es wurden Fälle behoben in denen Spieler in nicht optimalen Datenzentren platziert wurden.
- Season 1-Statistiken wurden temporär entfernt, da wir an einigen damit verbundenen Problemen arbeiten.
- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, bei dem die Spieler die Level 94-Belohnung des Battle Passes freischalten, bevor sie es sollten (Octanes Ladebildschirm).
- Es wurde ein Exploit behoben, bei dem die Havoc vollautomatisch schießen konnte ohne aufgeladen worden zu sein.
- Es wurden einige Fälle behoben, in denen Vorratskisten durch die Karte fielen.
- 605,46 MB groß
Release: 13.08.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- zeitlich limitierter Solo Modus hinzugefügt
- 3,50 GB groß
Release: 21.08.2019 (Version
- 262,41 MB groß
Release: 03.09.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | ea.com
- Neues Event "Voidwalker" ist gestartet mit neuer Spieleliste "Armed and Dangerous"
Vom 02.09.2019 bis zum 17.09.2019 können neue Skins und Anpassungen erspielt und erworben werden
- Ground Loot Drop Chances are reduced by 45% (Supply Bins are not affected by this)
- Attachments not used by Snipers or Shotguns are disabled
- Gold variants of weapons spawn in High Tier loot zones and in airdrops
- Kraber and Mastiff loot values are tuned so they spawn in late-game airdrops and very rarely as ground loot (1-2 per game each)
- Overall, loot density is reduced, but ammo/weapon spawn rates are increased and stack sizes are increased to offset the loot scarcity and allow players to have enough ammo to not discourage combat.
- Increased spawn rates for syringes to compensate for lower loot density.
- Reduced spawn rates for shield batteries to match rarity of armor.
Shotguns and Snipers only
- Enabled Guns: Mozambique, Peacekeeper, EVA-8, Longbow, G7, Triple Take
Reduced Armor
- Disabled Loot: Armor (Blue/Purple/Gold), Helmets (Blue/Purple/Gold)
- Spawn rate for Common Armor and Helmets is reduced.
Bullet Counts and Stacks are modified
- Light Rounds: 16 per drop, 32 per inventory slot
- Energy Rounds: 16 per drop, 32 per inventory slot
- Heavy Rounds: 7 per drop, 14 per inventory slot
- Shotgun Rounds: 7 per drop, 28 per inventory slot
- Fixed a bug where sometimes a player’s reward would not display properly after completing a challenge that awards crafting metals.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes players would see a different rare skin equipped to the Legend they are spectating when hanging from a ledge.
- Fixed some issues related to script errors.
- [Xbox] Fixed issue where sometimes players would have issues connecting to a match at the same time as their party forcing them to join Legend Select late with Legends already locked.
- [PS4] code fixes to address crashes related to out of memory issues.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes players would still be in an out of bounds state when they are not actually out of bounds.
- New Promo Window - A new feature we’ve added to the Lobby that will display offers and info and allows for direct navigation to the website or store.
- Added Auto Sprint feature to all platforms that can be turned on or off. This is disabled by default and can be changed in the Settings menu.
- Players can now adjust Aim Down Sight look sensitivity per optic zoom level.
- Visual improvements to Legends in the Lobby and Character Select screen
- Increased overall brightness.
- Softer/lighter shadows.
- Improved reflections on hard surfaces.
- Improved detail and contrast to textures.
- Added UI to the Spectator View that lets players easily tell if they are spectating a squadmate or enemy.
- Added setting to disable weapon auto switching when ammo runs out.
- Wattson will now have low profile attributes [takes %5 more damage to base health]
- Reduced the maximum number of Interceptor Pylons that can be active to 1.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to cancel the start up animation for their ultimate when activated while using a zipline.
- 3,33 GB groß
Release: 11.09.2019 (Version
- 534,65 MB groß
Release: 01.10.2019 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | play3.de
- Season 3 startet und ab sofort kann ein Battle Pass (950 Apex Münzen) kostenpflichtig erworben werden
- Neuer Legend "Crypto" wird hinzugefügt und kann für 12.000 Legend-Token erworben werden
- Das Punktsystem von Ranglisten-Liga-Serie erhält einige Verbesserungen.
- Die Ranglisten-Spielersuche wird weiter verbessert.
- Es gibt einen Soft-Reset für den Spieler-Rang und einige kosmetische Ranglisten-Belohnungen.
- Added a “random” option for customizing your unlocked loadscreens.
- Expanded the Ping Wheel so that you can now equip your unlocked Intro and Kill quips.
Equip up to 8 intro or kill quips in the lobby
Nearby enemies can hear quips when activated
Press Y while ping wheel is up to access (controller) or F1 (default keyboard binding
you may need to set this manually as it won’t auto-bind).
- "Celebrate" quickchat is now the 1st option in the quip wheel (Previously down on dpad).
- New Legend battle chatter - Legends now have voice lines that will call out when your squad is being third-partied.
This is triggered if you take damage when recently damaged by another living squad
- You can now equip multiple skydive emotes (if you have multiple available on a character) - Hold A while skydiving to open the menu to select the skydive emote you want to use.
- Daily challenges should only give you, at most, 1 challenge for a Legend you don't own.
- No dupe character daily challenges (e.g. you should never get 2 Gibraltar dailies in the same day).
- Fixes for slowdown/performance drops at the start of a match.
- Mirage: decoys will now go where directed when deploying them during the drop if Mirage isn’t the Jumpmaster.
- Lifeline: D.O.C. Healing Drone will no longer float away after being deployed on Supply Ships
- Fixed issue where Legends could show up as locked instead of selected when joining a match late.
- Small improvements across UI to make fonts and other elements more readable.
- When swapping weapons with one on the ground, attachments will now attempt to transfer to your stowed weapon in addition to the weapon you are about to pick up.
- Octane: fixed a bug where sometimes mantling while using a tactical stopped players from being able to perform any other actions until the tactical is finished.
- Wattson: fixed bug where sometimes the visual FX from her fences would not show up after being deployed.
- Pathfinder: Fixed a bug with Insider Knowledge passive where Survey Beacon locations would disappear from the full map after activating them.
- Fixed bug where players could sometimes receive additional Battle Pass rewards by leveling up two games in a row.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to spam fire with the Peacekeeper.
- Fixed bug where looting Lifeline’s Care Packages would not count towards the “Loot X amount of Care Packages” in the Battle Pass challenges.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the smoke visual FX from Gibraltar, Bangalore, and Caustic Ultimates would show up on scopes when swapping weapons rapidly.
- Fixed a bug where players could sometimes skip the landing animation after a long fall.
- Fixed bug where sometimes map fog visual FX would disappear while looting a deathbox.
- Rebalanced audio to address issues with footsteps, ziplines, and jump jets.
- 10,78 GB groß
Release: 09.10.2019 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de
- Die Loot Kugeln (Bots) können endlich den Schlüssel für den Loot-Room enthalten
- Vorbeitungen für das neue Halloween Event ab dem 15.10.2019
- 1,92 GB groß
Release: 15.10.2019 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Halloween Event "Shadowfall" ist gestartet (Solo Modus auf der alten Karte Königsschlucht)
- 296,71 MB groß
Release: 18.10.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: twitter.com
- Er "nerft" (schwächt) das Elektrogewehr (Charge Rifle), das jetzt pro Schuss 3 x Energie-Munition benötigt (vormals 1).
Release: 25.10.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de
Release: 05.11.2019 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | play3.de | ea.com
- Neue Trainings Modus wird hinzugefügt mit allen Waffen und Ausrüstungsmöglichkeiten und Aufsätzen
- Wingman der Headshot-Multiplikator von 2.15 auf 2.1 reduziert
- In an effort to surface easier challenges to players more often and offer a balanced set of challenges each day,
Daily Challenge distribution has been adjusted so players are guaranteed to receive 1 easy, 1 medium, and 1 hard challenge.
- You can now spend Legend Tokens to reroll Daily Challenges.
First reroll: 200 Legend Tokens
Second reroll: 500 Legend Tokens
Third or more reroll: 1000 Legend Tokens for each reroll.
Cost increases with each purchase before capping out at 1000 Legend Tokens.
Cost resets every day
- You can now adjust the game cursor velocity in Settings -> Controller. This will apply to cursor velocity in all menus including the Lobby, Pause/Inventory menus, and Death Box inventories.
- We now show you what Music Pack you have selected while dropping into the map. If you only have the “default” Pack selected you won’t see anything.
- Improved flow from Lobby to Match that fixes some minor bugs and will hopefully get players into matches a bit faster.
Disabling pregame spawning of players before character selection.
This will address cases where players might hear someone voice comms or other sounds before the Legend selection starts.
The “Waiting for Players...” transition now shows the game world instead of a black screen.
Removed the 5 second countdown that would start at the beginning of Legend selection.
- Player will now be able to view the ammo types of their squadmates equipped weapons when in the inventory menu.
- Fixed a bug where players would stay in place while the train keeps moving when reviving another player.
- Updated the layout of the minimap that was previously showing a route that doesn’t exist.
- Fixed cases where players could drop into Out of Bounds areas without getting the timer.
- Fixed cases of some areas where players could take lava damage near the Volcano when there isn’t any lava.
- Fixed display issue with post game where it would show you earning 2 battle pass levels for levelling up via Stars.
- EMP now will damage armor that players have dropped.
- Fixed a bug where Lifeline’s drone couldn’t heal Crypto while he was in the drone.
- Fix for friendly Caustic gas kicking Crypto out of his drone.
- Fixed bug where sometimes the missiles from Bangalore’s Ultimate would disappear after landing on the train.
- 6,39 GB groß
Release: 05.12.2019 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Weihnachts Event wird gestatet mit neuen Skins, Waffenglückbringer, Abzeichen
- Stufengrenze wurde von 100 auf 500 erhöht
Auch wurden die erforderlichen EP für Stufe 100 um 5% reduziert
- Apex Packs für Stufenaufstieg wurde verbessert
Belohnung: Stufe 2 bis 20 - ein Apex Pack
Belohnung Stufe 22 bis 300 - Alle 2 Stufen ein Pack
Belohnung Stufe 305 bis 500 - Alle 5 Stufen ein Pack
Weiterhin bekommt man pro Stufe 600 Legenden-Token
Alle Apex Packs bis Stufe 100 werden rückwirkend gewährt
- Neue optische Anpassung: Waffenglückbringer
Alle 100 Stufen bekommt man einen neuen Glücksbringer freigeschaltet
36 neue Waffenglückbringer wurden hinzugefügt und können im Shop, epischen und legendären Apex-Packs freigeschaltet werden
- Lifeline: Neue Animation für das Erbstück
- Neue Textur für Körperschilde
- Mirage: neuen Finisher
- Friedensstifter wird generft
- Im neuen Schießstand wird "Friendly Fire" aktiviert
- 11,70 GB groß
Release: 15.01.2020 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Neue Event: Grand Soirée Arcade ist gestartet
- 14 & 15.01.2020 GOLD RUSH DUOS
- 16 & 17.01.2020 LIVE.DIE.LIVE: Automatically respawn on living squadmates when the ring closes.
- 18 & 19.01.2020 THIRD-PERSON MODE: A classic out-of-body experience.
- 20 & 21.01.2020 ALWAYS BE CLOSING: Keep on the move, avoiding big damage from a ring that won’t slow down.
- 22 & 23.01.2020 ARMED AND DANGEROUS ON WORLD’S EDGE: Shotguns and Sniper Rifles with limited armor.
- 24 & 25.01.2020 NIGHT GAME ON KINGS CANYON: Play on Kings Canyon at Night.
- 26 & 27 & 28.01.2020 DUMMIES BIG DAY: This game ain’t gonna test itself.
- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, durch den der Grenzwertüberschreitungs-Timer nicht angezeigt wurde, wenn man auf einigen Gebäuden in Capitol City saß
- Auch wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den auf der Minikarte eine falsche Ansicht der Landschaft östlich der Sortierfabrik und der Hauptstadt angezeigt wurde
- Fixes for various script and code errors that were causing crashes.
- Fixed a bug where the out of bounds timer would not display when perching on top of some buildings in Capitol City.
- Fix for cases we saw where players would receive a client error when fighting Wattson.
- Fixed issue with Octane’s “Laughing Fool” skin blocking player vision when using the 1x Holo Sight.
- Fixed issue where players could get into unintentional hiding spots in the Train tunnels and around multiple buildings on the map.
- Fixed bug where the mini map was showing an incorrect view of the landscape east of the Sorting Factory and Capitol City.
- Fixed bug where the trajectory line wouldn’t appear when trying to aim ordnance.
- Fixes for cases where the final circle was ending in a bad location.
- Fixed an issue with the Ghouls and Ghost Peacekeeper skin not displaying the correct animation in game.
- Fixed the bug where a squadmate selects a character in Legend Select and the Legend is not displaying the skin that is currently equipped by the player.
- Fixed a bug where if anyone picks up gold shields while inside of a Gibraltar dome shield they will receive 63% faster healing when it should stay at 50%
- Fixed a couple bugs with Bloodhound Passive skill: players could not see timers when looking at enemy tracks [clues] and tracks would expire 30 seconds sooner than expected .
- Fixed bug where Wraith could take damage from Thermite ordnance while using her Tactical or Ultimate abilities.
- Fixed visual bug for when Crypto first drops into game, the Drone UI reports that it is "recharging" (as if it has been destroyed pre-drop), but progress does not complete / progress.
- Fix for Wattson’s Ultimate to prevent being able to deploy an Interceptor Pylon through walls.
- Passive: Gibraltar revives squadmates faster while inside the Dome Shield.
- Removed the bonus move speed Into the Void and Dimensional Rift at the same time.
Wraith will now move at their combined movement speed when they are both activated.
- Increased cooldown for Into the Void: 25 seconds -> 35 seconds.
- Drone and EMP improvements.
Surveillance Drone increased the health 1 -> 30.
EMP no longer affects friendly traps/deployables.
EMP no longer slows friendlies. \
- Extended Energy Mags removed
HAVOC mag size: 32
Devotion mag size: 44
- 5,61 GB groß
Release: 04.02.2020 (Version
Quelle: gamezone.de || xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Season 4 startet und ab sofort kann ein Battle Pass kostenpflichtig erworben werden
- Neue Waffe wird kostenlos hinzugefügt: Sentinel (Ein Kammerverschluss-Scharfschützengewehr)
- Neue Legende wurde hinzugefügt: Revenants
- Neue Legende wird später hinzugefügt: Forge
- 10,07 GB groß
Release: 11.02.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de
- Neue Event "Valentinstag-Rendezvous" ist gestartet vom 11.02-18.02.2020
Zudem wird der EP-Boost „Verdopplung“ hinzugefügt, wodurch man doppelte EP verdient,
wenn man mit einem Freund einen Squad bildet. Dadurch kann man bis zu 20.000 EP pro Tag erhalten
- Probleme mit der Perfomence von 20 - 25 FPS und verzögerungen und Fehlern der Server wurden behoben
- 100,39 MB groß
Release: 03.03.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | größe=play3.de
- Neue Event "Sammel-Event ‚Systemüberbrückung" ist gestartet vom 03.03-17.03.2020
Exclusive Event Prize Track with two Legendary Weapon skins
24 Event Limited premium cosmetic available directly or through System Override Event Packs
Octane Heirloom Set Preview: Unlock all 24 System Override cosmetics during the event and unlock the Octane Heirloom set for free
Increased time to activate: .4s -> .8s
Increased duration of scan: 2s -> 3s
- Gun Shield health reduced: 75 -> 50.
- Primary weapons will now automatically reload while in drone view.
- Base inventory slots increased 8 -> 10.
- Common Backpack: expands inventory to 12 slots.
- Rare Backpack: expands inventory to 14 slots.
- Epic Backpack: expands inventory to 16 slots.
- Grenade stacks reduced to 2 -> 1.
- Light / Heavy / Energy ammo stacks reduced from 80 -> 60.
- Syringe and Shield Cell stacks reduced from 6 -> 4.
- Med Kit and Shield Battery stacks reduced from 3 -> 2.
- Mag size reduced from 6 -> 5.
- Increased reload time from 2.5s -> 2.65s.
- Increased reload time with empty mag from 3.5s -> 3.6s.
- Slightly increased the scale of the blast pattern from 1.6 -> 1.7.
- Base damage increased from 65 -> 70
- Reduced time it takes to rechamber from 1.85s -> 1.75s.
Muzzle flash adjustments:
- Reduced the intensity of muzzle flash while aiming down the sight for all weapons except shotties and snipers
- Red dot has been added to the iron sights for Prowler and L-STAR; iron sights dot will stay properly centered during weapon sway and bob movements.
Heirloom crafting
- We’re changing up the Heirloom system to make it easier for you to acquire the heirloom you want. Instead of an entire Heirloom set dropping at once, you’ll now receive Heirloom shards.
You can then use those shards to pick the exact Heirloom set you’d like.
The shards will have the same drop rate as the previous system, so that after 500 Apex Packs, you will have enough Heirloom Shards to obtain an Heirloom set from the Heirloom shop.
And don’t worry, your existing progress towards the 500 Apex Packs will carry over with the switch.
Remember that once a player owns all of the Heirloom sets, the player will not be eligible to receive more shards until more Heirloom Sets are added to the game.
- Fixed bug for cases where Bangalore would appear invisible when equipped with certain skins. The Apex Overdrive and Killer B skins have been re-enabled now for affected players.
- For cases where sometimes Revenant’s Ultimate Totem could be destroyed or disabled when placed too close to some geometry, it will now be refunded back to the player at full charge when this happens.
- Fixed a bug for where sometimes players would enter a match with a different character than they selected, and all loadouts being set back to default after the match.
- Cleaned up some areas around World’s Edge with bad collision or provided ways for players to exploit them.
- Fixed an exploit near Geyser where players could climb to a spot that provided an unfair advantage.
- Fix for cases where players were able to punch and shoot enemies clipping through doors and other areas with thin geo.
- Fixed bug for cases where full-auto mode would be disabled when players equipped the Anvil Receiver hop-up while in single-fire mode for R-301 or Flatline.
- Fix for cases where there could be a delay with firing the Havoc after cancelling a reload.
- Fixed a bug where players could place Gibraltar’s Dome Shield on Crypto’s Drone allowing the Dome to be mobile while in use.
- Fixed bug for cases where players were able to reroll Daily Challenges without being charged the Legends Tokens for reroll.
- Fixed a bug for cases where unlocking new badges would not trigger the red dot notification to make players aware a new badge is available.
- Fixed a bug where if players were respawned while spectating someone under Revenant’s death protection, they would return in that state permanently and unable to use heal items.
- Fixed players getting assist credit by using abilities that place status effects (e.g. Crypto Drone, Revenant tactical etc) on enemies after they are knocked down.
- Fixes for cases where the Store would show placeholder images when content would be slow to load.
- Fix for cases where audio from Wattson’s skydive emote would continue to play after she lands.
- Stability fixes to reduce crashing and script errors.
- Various stability and polish bug fixes for Firing Range.
- 33,81 GB groß
Release: 05.03.2020 (Version
- 460,78 MB groß
Release: 07.04.2020 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Neues Event "The Old Ways" ist gestartet vom 7.4.2020 bis zum 21.04.2020
- Team Modus Duo wurde dauerhaft hinzugefügt
- Kartenrotation im Stundenwechsel wird mit "Rand der Welt" und "Königsschlucht" und "Königsschlucht After Dark" angeboten
- Fixed bug for cases where matches results would not process correctly after players were disconnected.
- Fixes for some script errors.
- Fixed bug for cases where taller Legends could get stuck in geometry after using Wraith’s portal.
- Fixed bug for cases where players that were under Revenant’s Death Protection could still be healed by Lifeline’s D.O.C. drone and Wattson’s Interceptor Pylon.
- Fixed a bug where mantling with Wraith would cause the camera to clip through the character.
- Fixed bug where sometimes players would lose aim assist after being hit by Revenant’s Silence ability.
- Fix for cases where players would not receive assist credit when using Crypto’s Drone to scan enemies.
- Fixed issue where sometimes players could hear and in rare cases, be hit by Revenant’s abilities while in the Firing Range when he’s not there.
- Fix for some cases where the Circle would end in a bad or invalid location.
- Fix to help reduce cases of invisible doors.
- Fixed issue with Bangalore’s Viceroy skin where the legs were showing the wrong skin while mantling.
- Fixed bug for cases when Revenant places his ULT Death Totem on the train, a player is respawned to it while on the train, and the train is moving, the player could be respawned somewhere else on the map or even off the map.
- Energize charge for the Sentinel Sniper rifle can now be cancelled with Y or Triangle button.
- Fixed bug for cases where Dive Trails were visible before exiting the Drop Ship.
- 5,17 GB groß
Release: 10.04.2020 (Version
Quelle: wooco.de
- Stabilitätsverbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen
- 56,80 MB groß
Release: 16.04.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- Kings Canyon bei Nacht wurde in der Rotation entfernt
- "Rand der Welt" Karte ist nun 1:30 Stunden verfügbar und die "Königsschlucht" Karte nur 1:00 Stunden
Release: 17.04.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- Several Mirage bugs related to damaging his decoy as well as his tactical cooldown restored back to 15s
- Challenges missing for some players
- Picked up grenades not showing up in the HUD
- 254,90 MB groß
Release: 28.04.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: ea.com | xboxdynasty.de
- Neue Event "Battle Armor" ist gestartet (Alle Körperschilde werden als beute und aus Behältern entfernt)
Woche 1 vom 28.4 bis 2.5.20: Karte "Rand der Welt", alle Spieler haben zum Start eine P2020- Pistole und ein weißes Körperschild
Woche 2 vom 2.5 bis zum 6.5.20: Karte "Rand der Welt", alle Spieler haben zum Start eine P2020- Pistole und ein blaues Körperschild
Woche 3 vom 6.5 bis zum 9.5.20: Karte "Rand der Welt", alle Spieler haben zum Start eine P2020- Pistole und ein violettes Körperschild
Woche 4 vom 9.5 bis zum 12.5.20: Karte "Rand der Welt", alle Spieler haben zum Start eine P2020- Pistole und ein EVO-Körperschild
Release: 12.05.2020 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | reconnect= play3.de | play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Season 5 ist gestartet
- Neue Legende: Loba
- Reconnect Feature wird eingebaut
Somit kann man nach einem Server-Fehler, Lags, Verbindungsproblemen dem Spiel wieder beitreten
- Oberfläche der Todesboxen von Spielern wurden überarbeitet
Anpassungen bei Legenden
- Fixed various conditions causing prediction errors.
- Fixed looting in pillboxes being difficult around weapons.
- Fixed aiming speed during zooming lerp to be consistent with hipfire and ADS speed.
- Fixed disabling Melee Target Compensation.
- Fixed Legend banners having a black box when having AA disabled.
- Fixed a condition where the third character model would be missing on screens with three Legend banners.
- Fixed sometimes erroneously pinging enemies while skydiving or in the plane.
- Fixed exploitable spots against Prowlers in Bloodhound Trial.
- Fixed Prowlers not attacking Gibraltar’s Dome Shield.
- Fixed deathboxes sometimes not moving on the train.
- Fixed subtitles in Russian showing up as English in the Bloodhound Trial area.
- Fixed Havoc VFX while on the train.
- Fixed depth of field when selecting charms in the loadout menu.
- Fixed lighting on Legends sometimes being dark throughout the menus.
- Fixed tooltips not appearing correctly when highlighting items in the menus.
- Fixed the Charge Rifle beam shooting from the scope while using the Hard coded skin.
- Fixed melee not doing any damage when interrupting the Sentinel charge animation.
- Fixed Wingman having higher than normal hipfire accuracy while crouched.
- Fixed Golden Barrel attachment having more muzzle flash than intended.
- Stability fixes to reduce crashing and script errors.
- Crypto’s EMP now affects D.U.M.M.I.E. in the Firing Range.
- Fixed Revenant’s Death Totem being visible through smoke or gas.
- Fixed a few Pathfinder banner poses that caused corrupted art.
- Adjusted Octane’s Jump pad to make it harder to fall through cracks when deploying.
- Fixed Caustic’s Ultimate not deploying when thrown under small surfaces.
- Fixed Bangalore’s smoke canisters getting stuck under the Train.
- We’ve overhauled the Deathbox UI to compartmentalize loot better so you can find what you need faster.
- Crypto can now ping banners while in drone to warn teammates of nearby squads.
- Added voice over for pinging enemies who are reviving.
- Favorite option now available for Weapon Skins.
- Observer Highlights for Tournament Matches.
- Removed location based Weekly Challenges. These caused players to have mixed motivations from their squadmates, and didn’t work well with map rotation.
- Optimized CPU usage.
- Improved texture streaming quality on GPUs reporting less memory than advertised.
- We’re excited to announce that at the start of Season 5 we will be adding Apex servers to the Middle East as we look to further support our fans in the region.
- 38,87 GB groß
Release: 20.05.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- We are aware of and investigating connectivity issues impacting Apex across all platform
- 43,95 MB groß
Release: 23.06.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de | ea.com
- Neue Event "Lost Treasure" ist gestartet (mit zeitlich begrenzten Spielmodus "Armed & Dangerous": Alle Respawnpunkte werden entfernt, nur Sniper und Schrotflinten)
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das einige Geländer nicht erkletterbar waren.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das der Squad vor der Legenden-Auswahl nicht stummgeschaltet werden konnte.
- Weitere Exploits gegen Prowler in Bloodhounds Prüfungen wurden entfernt.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Beute in der Königsschlucht und in Rand der Welt an unerreichbaren Orten spawnte.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das sich ausgeschaltete Spieler mit Gehgeschwindigkeit bewegen konnten.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Prowler Mirages Köder nicht mit einer Aktion zerstörten.
- Es wurde ein Problem mit der Ninja-Controllerkonfiguration und Todeskisten behoben.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Nachricht "Du hast ein Schatzpaket erhalten" nach jedem Match angezeigt wurde.
- Es wurde ein Problem mit Cryptos Drohne behoben, die ohne Eingabe flog, wenn der Nutzer einen Sprint startete.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Lifeline ihr Carepaket auf einem Quest-Artefakt ablegen konnte, wodurch Nutzer das Artefakt nicht einsammeln konnte.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Lifelines Drohne nach einer Kollision mit Octanes Sprungkissen in der Luft verharrte.
- Es wurden Probleme mit Loba behoben, die mit ihrer Taktik-Fähigkeit "Bester Freund der Diebin" das Spielfeld verlassen konnte.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Lobas Taktik-Fähigkeit "Bester Freund der Diebin" durch eine unsichtbare Kollision am Eingang des Schießstandes blockiert wurde.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Lobas ultimative Fähigkeit "Schwarzmarkt-Boutique" nicht die korrekte Reichweite anzeigte.
- Lobas ultimative Fähigkeit "Schwarzmarkt-Boutique" zeigt jetzt die korrekte Munitionsmenge für Carepaket-Waffen an.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Lobas Taktik-Fähigkeit auf bestimmten Oberflächen nicht funktionierte. Jetzt müsstet ihr den Trailer-Moment reproduzieren können.
- Lobas ultimative Fähigkeit wird jetzt erstattet, wenn sie zwischen Türen gefangen ist.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Mirages Köder unter bestimmten Umständen nicht korrekt gepingt werden konnte.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Mirages Köder in bestimmten Gebieten nicht geduckt gehen konnte.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Mirages Köder die Fallen-Animation abspielten, wenn der Spieler fiel.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Mirage seinen Köder steuern konnte, nachdem er von Revenant zum Schweigen gebracht wurde.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Octanes Sprungkissen andere Legenden-Fähigkeiten "löschten".
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Octanes Sprungkissen verschwanden wenn sie mit der Taktik-Fähigkeit anderer Legenden interagierten.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Octanes Sprungkissen durch den Boden von Landungsschiffen fielen.
- Es wurde ein Problem mit Pathfinders Haken behoben, durch das man nach einem Fehlwurf nicht laufen konnte.
- Es wurde ein Audio-Problem mit zu lauten Überwachungssendern behoben.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das Revenants Todestotem in mehr als 200 Metern Entfernung nicht gerendert wurde.
- Es wurde ein Problem mit Revenants Audio für seine Taktik-Fähigkeit behoben, das während der Wiedergabe abbrach.
- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das nach einem K.o. und dem Passieren eines Wraith-Portals keine Heilung möglich war.
Release: 30.06.2020 (Version
Quelle: forum.ea.com
- Removed Mobile Respawn Beacon out of the bunker area in Kings Canyon.
- Fixed an issue with Legends being able to still shoot after being downed.
- Fixed an issue where taking damage was interrupting revives.
- Fixed an issue “The Marble Goddess” skin not having the correct hitbox.
- Fixed an issue with wraith being able to get a speed boost by using her tactical, then her ult, then canceling her ult.
- Fixed an issue where if death protection wears off during a revive, it cancels the revive.
- Octane will no longer be able to use stim while healing.
- Fixed an issue with passive regen being delayed after the use of stim.
- Fixed issues with being pulled out of ADS, weapon firing stopping when stim ends/landing from a jump pad.
- 126,48 MB groß
Release: 07.07.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- Fixes addressing Loba's tactical usability on World's Edge. There are still some known cases we're continuing to work on but it should work much better now.
- Mobile Respawn Beacon has been added to all modes.
- 62,38 MB groß
Release: 18.08.2020 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=play3.de | gamezone.de | ea.com
- Season 6 "Maximale Leistung" ist gestartet
- Materialien zum Upgraden der Waffen können nun auf der Karte eingesammelt werden
- Neuer Legend "Rempart" kann für 12K Legenden-Token / 750 Apex Münzen erworben werden
- Neue MP Waffe: Volt mit Energiemunition
- Materialien zum Upgraden der Waffen können nun auf der Karte eingesammelt werden
- Reduced vertical recoil in burst mod
- Slightly reducing recoil in pattern on 2nd and 3rd shot so first burst kicks less
- Burst mode time between bursts .32 -> .28
Charge Rifle
- Will now use 2 ammo per shot.
- Increased mag size from 4 to 8
Triple Take Buff:
- Increase fire rate 1.25 -> 1.4
- Increased Mag size from (5/6/7/8) to (6/7/8/9)
- Built the Choke hop up into the weapon by default. Toggle select-fire to enable/disable the Choke
- Built the Choke hop up into the weapon by default. Toggle select-fire to enable/disable the Choke
- Improve recoil controllability
- Updated Havoc with a new recoil pattern
- Increased clip size from 3 to 4.
- Increased Damage from 13 to 15
- Decreased Hammerpoint damage multiplier from 2.7 to 2.35.
This will leave Hammerpoint P2020 damage unchanged in most scenarios..
- Increased mag size from (10/13/15/18) to (12/14/16/18)
- Only requires one shield cell to charge if the player has the gold armor.
- Slightly Reduce vertical recoil in burst mode
- Increase horizontal recoil in Auto Mode
- Extended Energy Mags.
- Turbocharger Hop-up
- Precision Choke: Removed Precision Choke from loot pool, but it will now be integrated into the Triple Take and Peacekeeper by default. Fire select toggles on/off the choke
In Supply Drop:
- Damage increased from 11 to 12
- Increased magazine size to 32
- Ammo Reserve: 160
Out of Supply Drop- Into Ground Loot:
- Devotion: Clip size reduced back to original values (36/40/44/48).
Sniper ammo
- Increased pick up from 8 to 12
- Increased Stack Size from 16 to 24
Energy Ammo
- Reduce amount picked up from 30 to 20.
- World’s Edge received performance improvements, especially around The Tree, The Dome and Skyhook, looking towards the center of the map.
- Alterations were made to The Ring to prevent late zones from centering on unplayable terrain and reduce the predictability of the zone’s “pull.”
- Fixed an issue with the La Catrina and Killing Machine skins obscuring views when ADS with the holo, 2x, 2-4x or 3x scopes.
- Fixed an exploit with being able to see through smoke when looking through a chain link fence.
- Fixed an issue with bloodhound being able to get an additional Ult when using a wraith ultimate.
- Fixed an issue with gas traps clipping into mobile Respawn beacons.
- Fixed an issue with Revenant and Pathfinder taking less damage from Nox Gas
- Fixed an issue VFX show false positive when hitting Crypto’s Drone.
- Fixed an issue with Crypto being able to use his drone while using Loba’s Black Market.
- Fixed an issue with EMP not destroying Loba’s Black Market.
- Did a geo pass to help prevent Crypto’s drone from clipping into walls
- Fixed an issue gibraltar air strike markers sometimes appearing inside buildings.
- Fixed an issue with Loba’s Black market not being pingable.
- Fixed an issue with enemies getting teleported with Loba when they melee her when she teleports.
- Fixed an issue with decoy flying rapidly across the ground when player takes control of it before a jump tower or geyser.
- Fixed an issue with decoys not looking natural when player uses a zipline
- Fixed and issue with Decoys getting launched into air while player enters Wraith’s Portal.
- Fixed bug where Mirage’s decoys would sometimes not deploy while skydiving
- Fixed an issue with jump pads disappearing when placed on ordinances
- Fixed an issue with jump pads disappearing when placed under loot ticks.
- Fixed an issue with enemies getting teleported with Revenant when they melee him before he teleports back to death totem.
- Fixed an issue with wraith portals pushing players beneath geo when a death box is on the other end
- Fixed an issue with Wraith’s tactical losing velocity when pressing the fire button during the tactical.
- Fixed an issue for when a death totem and portal are too close to each other causing players to auto enter a portal upon death totem recall.
- Fixed an issue with evo armor doubling the effect of leveling up. This caused some brightness on screen.
- Fixed an issue with the train killing players when coming out of a wraith portal on the train.
- Fixed an issue with some vertical zip lines not correctly placing players once they get off the line.
- Fixed an issue with spectator view pinging last pings when swapping through views (Private Match Issue).
- Fixed an issue for knockdown state not eliminating the squad when no one had a gold shield.
- Fixed an issue where death protection runs out with an active DOC medic nearby, DOC would not start healing you.
- 42,99 GB groß
Release: 20.08.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- 413,17 MB groß
Release: 04.09.2020 (Version
Quelle: xboxdynasty.de
- 3,75 GB groß
Release: 11.09.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- Improvements to Reconnect
- Wraith portals disappearing if place in certain areas
- Knockdown shields not blocking shots
- Beacons showing up in minimap but not in-world
- Improved Ring logic
- Several game logic errors
- 97,55 MB groß
Release: 06.10.2020 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | pc=play3.de | release=play3.de, xboxdynasty.de
- Cross Play (Beta) wird aktiviert (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch)
PC-Origin ist optional möglich
- Zubehörmarkt-Sammel-Event ist gestartet (findet vom 06.10 bis zum 20.10.2020 statt)
- 10,65 GB groß
Release: 12.10.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de
- Pathfinder's shoulder staying in view after using grapple
- Crypto unable to use weapons when triggering EMP while not in drone mode
- Moved Performance Display so it doesn't overlap with Kill/Assists HUD element in Ranked
- 264,73 MB groß
Release: 19.10.2020 (Version
Quelle: twitter.com
- Adds a new feature allowing you to deny all incoming friend invites as well as the ones in your queue.
You can toggle it on or off in the Friends menu.
- 185,52 MB groß
Release: 22.10.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)
Quelle: play3.de
- Halloween Event (Fight or Fright) ist gestartet und ist vom 22.10.2020 bis zum 03.11.2020 verfügbar
Release: 05.11.2020 (Version
Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de | gamezone.de
- Season 7 ist gestartet mit einem neuen Battle Pass welche erworben werden kann
- Neue Legend "Horizon" wird kostenlos hinzugefügt
- Neue Karte: Olympus
- Clubs können gegründet werden
- Cross Play nun auch mit PC-Steam Spielern optional möglich
- 51,79 GB groß
Release: in Arbeit 2021
Quelle: play3.de | theverge.com
- PlayStation 5 Support: ?